Chapter Three

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*Your P.O.V.*

After I was shown around the school, I made my way to my first class, which was Literature and English Language. Since I was at a tour of the school, the counselor, Mr. Mackey walked me to my class, for it had already started.

"Ah, yes, class this is our new student, (Y/N) (L/N)," the teacher announced to the class.

I gave a small awkward wave as I stood next to the door.

"Okay, (Y/N), why don't you take that empty seat next to Eric. Eric please raise your hand," the teacher instructed.

The large boy snarled as he raised his hand. I made my way over to him as the classroom's eyes followed me, and I took a seat in the desk behind him.

Once I sat down, he instantly turned around to face me. "You any good at this stuff?"

"What the English language?" I questioned.

"Obviously," he snarled.

"I mean- yeah?" I replied, confused.

"Cool, so you can do my homework now. Butters is trash at this stuff," he commented.

"Hey, I-I did my best," a little blond boy sitting to my right protested.

"Cartman, just shut up and leave her alone," the red head sitting kitty-corner to me spat.

I hadn't seen him before, but the boy was rather cute. He had tan skin and these deep emerald eyes. Not to mention the charming red curled locks that he was trying to hide under his hat. I don't know how I didn't see him before, but now that I had, I didn't plan to look away.

"Don't tell me what to do, you stupid Jew," the larger boy snarled at him.

"Don't call me a stupid Jew, Fatass," the cute boy barked back at him.

"Boys knock it off," the teacher said at the front of the room.

They both grumbled, but soon stopped talking all together. Beyond that, class went smoothly, but I couldn't help but stare at the red headed boy in front of me.

There was something about him that was so familiar. Something so comforting. Something so alluring.

No, I decided that he was the boy that I wanted. I didn't want to meet any other boy here. I like that one.

After class ended, I decided that I was going to introduce myself. I could just use some excuse like I didn't know where my next class is. Surely that would be the best opportunity to talk to him.

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