Chapter Twenty-one

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"I'm sorry, man," Clyde cried on the floor. "No one should have ever made fun of you."

"Clyde..." Kyle sighed. "I literally just shoved you to the ground...wh-why are you crying?"

Clyde started to dart his eyes between Kyle and me, and he started bawling as he ran out of the room, "You can just have her dude."

I genuinely couldn't believe what I just witnessed. I was really intimidated by that guy...if I would've known it was that easy to make him breakdown like that, I could've escaped that date hours ago.

But that was beside the point. What was important now was the fact that Kyle and I were alone in the same room since we got into that fight, but I wasn't just with Kyle. I was with the Human Kite, as stupid as that sounded.

I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't have anything to say. What could I say? Thanks for saving me again, but you're still kind of a shitty person all together. No, I wished that I was stuck with Clyde still. He seemed to overall be the timider of us, no matter what his façade said- Kyle wasn't, because Kyle still liked me, and he had nothing to lose. We both knew that.

Kyle's eyes locked with mine. I couldn't tell if had been drinking, but I could see there was hurt in his eyes. It looked like he was about to break down right here and right now.

"(Y/N) ..." he spoke, his voice slightly breaking.

I took a hard swallow. I wanted to respond to him, but I didn't have anything to say. I didn't know what would be appropriate to say.

Suddenly, Kyle let out a loud, defeated sigh. "I'll just leave you alone now..."

He turned his back to me and started to walk out the door.

"W-wait!" I called back after him.

He didn't turn around right away, but when he did, I could see the light of hope in his eyes- and it made my heartbeat even faster.

"Th-thank you," I said to him.

Again, silence fell between the two of us until he quietly said, "it's not problem...but I should probably leave you alone..."

"Wait, Kyle...I just want to- I want to say, I accept your apology," I said to him/

He gave me a confused look, but took a step closer, putting us both in the room together.

"I don't like what happened, and I don't like how you handled any of it- but I wasn't in that situation, and I didn't have to make that decision. But I do know that you had to choose between your best friend and the new girl that you thought you might have a crush on. I don't like what you did, but I understand why you did it. But that doesn't change the fact that you still hurt me," I told him, hardly breathing between my words.

"I know..." he quietly spoke. "And I—"

"Hang on," I interrupted him, gaining more confidence with all of my words. "You've saved me twice," I commented, with a small ironic laugh. "I feel as if it is almost fate, you know? I think about you all the time, whether you know it or not...and I want you to know that you hurt me, but I know why. It doesn't make it hurt less, but I do accept your apology. I think about you too much to not accept it..."

"...yeah?" Kyle quietly questioned, looking at me full of hope.

"Kyle...I really like you," I admitted.

Kyle didn't hesitate to march up to me and take my face into the palms of his hands.

"I am so sorry for acting like an idiot," he said in a firm tone; it was the most confident that I had seen him in a while.

Without another word, he leaned down to me, closing the small gap between our lips. In that moment, all of the bottled-up emotions I had been holding in since it all happened melted. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, and he snaked one of his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. In that moment, it was pure bliss that left us both panting as he pulled away.

"I promise, I will show you the type of guy I actually am," Kyle confidently said as he looked into my eyes.

I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster as my face got warmer, and I knew I was grinning like an idiot.

"Just shut up and take me home," I blushed.

"Gladly," Kyle agreed, taking my hand and leading me out of the house.

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