Chapter Eighteen

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Maybe I was losing my mind. I think the costume was over the top, but maybe, over the top was just what I needed. She really liked the Human Kite, so why not bring that back to her? It could remind her of all the great nights we had together. It may have only been a couple of weeks, but I had never felt for a girl like this. I had to try. This was my last chance.

I checked my phone. It was 10:30. She's probably just getting ready for bed. Hopefully, I can catch her just in time.

I felt my heart race as I picked up a small pebble I found in the alley, and I approached her back yard. I saw that there was a small light still on in her room. It was probably just a lamp or her tv, but it did mean that she was still probably awake.

Trying to ignore my pounding pulse, I threw the pebble, and it lightly hit her window, making a 'tink' sound with it.

*Your P.O.V.*

I was just lying in my bed watching tv when I heard something hit my window. Confused, I got up and looked out to see there was someone standing out there. I was alarmed at first, but as my eyes adjusted to the night sky, I saw that it was Kyle out there dressed in his Human Kite outfit.

I looked at my phone to see that it was already 10:30, and I felt rather alarmed again, knowing how cold it was starting to get at night here.

Has he lost his goddamn mind? First, he won't stop harassing me as school, and now he's going to get hypothermia just to talk to me. I have to go take care of this.

I turned my tv up a bit louder, so my parents didn't hear me move around too much. Then, I slide on some sweats and my shoes. I slowly crawled out the window, feeling the cold Colorado air instantly hit me.

I can't believe I even have to do this.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered/yelled at him from the top of my roof.

"(Y/N) ..." he trailed off. "I had to see you..."

Annoyed, I climbed across roof and then made my way down my mother's white, vine picket fence wall, so I finally stood on the back patio. There, it was just the two of us and the cold breeze from the wind.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, in disbelief from his efforts. "Like, what- what are actually trying to get out of this? What do you think you can get out of this? What's going on in your psychotic mind?"

"(Y/N), please. I'm sorry," He spoke, quietly.

He was shivering, and it looked like he might have even been crying. I felt bad. I really did. Seeing in that stupid outfit, really just reminded me how much I really liked him. I didn't want to see him like this. I didn't want to see him hurt, but he wasn't the only one hurt. I had been hurt. Bebe had been hurt. He was selfish at the expense of me and her, and I wasn't sure I could really look passed that. Seeing him out here like this, I could only be reminded on how okay he was with all of that.

"I was an idiot, and I shouldn't have listened to Stan. I liked you the whole time (Y/N), please listen to me," Kyle pleaded.

I was hearing his words, but they didn't matter much to me. I didn't want to be with a person like that. He literally hid his identity from me. I didn't care want his side of the story was. I didn't care about any of it. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone, so I could just move on.

"Just give it up Kyle," I spoked to him, my words were firm, but I knew my voice was shaky.

"(Y/N) ...." He spoke, very quietly. "C'mon...please."

"No," I coldly cut him off. "Kyle, I really liked you, and I mean that. I met you my first day here- and yeah, I thought you were cute or whatever, but in these last few weeks- I really started to like you...but you were really playing with both of us. I can't respect that, nor can I trust it. So, give it up and go's too cold out here."

He let out a shaky breath. His cheeks were also bright red, but he was doing the best he could to hide his face.

"I understand, (Y/N)," he slowly said, still not looking towards me. "Just let me say, I'm sorry. Because I really am..." he let out another shaky breath. "I guess I'll just leave you alone now."

Not once did his eyes met mine as he turned to walk away. All of me wanted to reach out for him. I was mad- god, I was so mad at him, but I also still really liked him. However, sometimes, what you want, isn't what's the best for you...

I felt my mouth automatically open to call back for him, but my brain instantly shut down my vocal cords. A small cry escaped my lips, but it was nothing worth hearing, especially over the wind. Soon, Kyle was out of sight, and I had no choice but to go back to my room, feeling much lonelier than before.

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