Chapter Four

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*Kyle's P.O.V.*

I had all my things gathered when a hand grasping my upper arm stopped me.

"Hey, wait," the new girl called.

"Uh?" I mumbled, turning to her.

"Can you help me? I have biology next, but I don't really remember what room it's in," she said to me.

I could've told her that the schedule comes with the room numbers on it, which would make it pretty easy for her to find on her own, but I didn't want to. I wanted to talk to her, but Stans words stayed locked in the back of my mind. However, on the other hand, she came and asked me for help; I didn't seek her out at all. I'm just being a nice guy by helping.

"Yeah, actually that's where—"

"Kyle, are you coming?" Stan asked, standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, what's keeping you?" Bebe questioned, popping her head through the door.

She held a cheerful expression on her face until her eyes landed on (Y/N)'s hand on my arm. Bebe narrowed her eyes and pushed Stan out of her way to come back into the classroom.

"What's going on here?" she questioned.

"Oh, (Y/N) was just asking me where the biology room is," I told her.

"And, I don't see why that means she needs to touch you," Bebe snarled.

"I was just trying to get his attention. I didn't know his name," (Y/N) said.

Oh no, please just don't say anything...Bebe doesn't need any fuel for this fire. Just let me handle it.

"But, if there is a problem with Kyle showing me, could you do it for him?" (Y/N) asked.

I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not, but as Bebe glared at her, a smirk started to form on (Y/N)'s face.

"Yeah, I would rather that neither me or my boyfriend spend time around roaches like you," Bebe seethed at her.


"A roach?!?" (Y/N) laughed. "That's some pretty big talk from a girl whose hair looks like roaches live in it!"

Holy shit.

Bebe opened her mouth but didn't have words to say. She simply let out a huff before stomping away.

I was left there speechless. (Y/N) was completely ruthless on Bebe, not that she didn't deserve it. (Y/N) wasn't doing anything wrong. This was the issue with Bebe.

Not knowing what to do, I looked to Stan, who looked disappointed. I know he wants me to Bebe, and maybe that is what's the best. I did tell him that I would try with her.

"I- I gotta go check on her," I hesitantly told (Y/N).

She let out a little laugh, probably noticing my uncertainty. "Are you sure?"


I gave her an apologetic smile. "Yeah...I'll see you later...Oh, and to get to the biology room take a left from here, go down the stairs, and it is at the end of the hall."

With that I trailed out the room to be pulled away by Stan.

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