Chapter Seventeen

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It was a few days after the lunch where Craig called me out. Everything had been dawning on me a lot, and I honestly just wanted a chance to just apologize to her properly. Obviously, I would like another chance with her, but if I could at least get her to look my direction again, I could consider it one step forward.

It was in between periods. My plan was the classic 'just drop something around her' trick, so she'd stop to help me. We crossed paths, and I slowly let my phone fall out of my hand. It made a thud as it hit the ground, but (Y/N) didn't even bother to look back. She continued down the hall, but that was okay. I had more tricks up my sleeve.

That next day, I decided I would approach her asking a simple class question. There would be no reason for her to ignore me, and it just let me have a moment in her head. This way she might just think of me.

It was just before our first class, and (Y/N) sat alone at her desk, looking over her homework.

This is the perfect time.

I got up from my desk and approached hers, asking, "Hey, (Y/N) ...did you finish the homework? I couldn't get number seven."

She looked over to me with panic and confusion. She didn't speak at first, as if she was lost for words. Just as it looked like she was about to say something, the rest of the girls walked in, seeing the look of panic on (Y/N)'s face.

"(Y/N)! We were just looking for you," Wendy instantly said.

Soon, the girls swarmed her desk, and it was clear that there was no room or a friendly welcome for me, so I made my way back to my desk with my head hung in defeat.

I rested my head in my hands as I stared at my desk. The girls' laughter filled the classroom before the bell rang. She seemed so happy with them, and it gutted me. She didn't know those girls like I did. She didn't understand that I'm usually not the bad guy- they are usually the ones causing all this bull shit. I just don't see how this all ended on me like this.

The bell soon rang, and the classroom quickly filled up with students and, shortly after, the teacher. I tried to take notes and pay attention, but only one thing had my attention as usual. I had to do something about all of this.

My gaze fell on her again. She was peacefully taking notes, and I couldn't help but feel utterly gutted. It all had been building up in me since it all went down, and I really couldn't take it anymore.

That's it. Tonight, I am going to get her back. I have to. 

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