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I woke up to my phone alarm screaming in my ear. I got up and threw on some black sweats and a yellow hoodie, I tossed my hair in a bun and grabbed my luggage. I took my time walking downstairs taking in one last look at the house. "Come on Ni" my dad said using my childhood nick name and sending me a small smile. I walked out the door with my head hanging low as my aunt pulled up to take us to the airport. My mom sat in the front with her making my dad, Liam and me in the back I plugged in my headphones and listened to the music flow through my ears luckily the drive was only 20 minutes so we got there pretty fast. We got out of the car and each said goodbye to my aunt one last time. After about an hour of waiting for our flight it was finally boarding time "hey kid cheer up we get a fresh start" Liam said trying to lighten the mood "I appreciate you trying to cheer me up but I don't want a fresh start my life was finally going good and now I'm leaving be hind just to go an live in surrey street in plainveiw when I was perfectly fine here so don't expect my to be happy any time soon okay Liam" I said a bit annoyed "lay off" my mom said handing the ticket to the lady at the entrance. We took our seats and we were off. After 2 flights we were finally here in plainveiw. We got an Uber and made our way home. We arrived to a nice 2 story house. "Okay kids welcome home!" My dad said excitedly I just glanced at him and walked inside. I made my way upstairs and chose the last room to the right of the hall. I heard drumming coming from across the street I'm not gonna lie it was pretty good. About 2 hours later I was all settled in "home sweet home" I choked out laying down on my bed with tear forming my eyes. I got up before I cried even more and made my way to liams room. "Hey Li" I said plopping down on his bed "hey sis, why so sad?" I just gave him a look that said 'don't play dumb' "right anyways I wanted to go on a walk to see the neighborhood wanna come wi-" "kids come downstairs and meet our neighbors!" My mom cut him off "yea I'm down" I said to him we made our way downstairs to see a lady and most likely her husband. "Hi I'm Susan heffly and this is my husband frank we live right across the street" she said " hi I'm Liam and this is nina" we greeted each other and me and Liam made our way outside.

*¡Rock Star! * 𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚏𝚏𝚕𝚢Where stories live. Discover now