15 part 1

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It's been a week since the kiss and honey we've been going pretty strong I think this can become something serious but I don't want to get my hopes too high.
Ding. Ding.
Message from Rodrick 🥁🤍
Come outside
A smile creeped its way onto my face
I threw on some shoes and made my way out the door and there he was "heyyy" he said "heyyyy" I mocked I giggled as he hugged me while lifting me up off the floor. "Ready?" He asked I furrowed my eyebrows "for what?" "Practice. Don't tell me you forgot already" he said "no. No I didn't forget how- how could I forget" guess what I forgot.
Ring ring
Incoming call from rylen🩰🌸
Rylen is my friend we met about 2 weeks ago she was catching me up on the assignments that I missed while I was taking a break. We got real close I learned that she has 3 brothers Mikey the oldest he's 21, Brandon he's 18, and then there's kaleb he's 12 and one 4 year old sister named makayla. Her mom works at the local grocery store while her dad is the schools football coach.
"Let me answer this" I told Rodrick
"Hey what's up"
Hey are you on your way?
"To where??"
Tu o help me set up for the party
"I have practice right now I'll be there in like 2 hours"
I hung up and walked to my garage to get my bass "ready?" Rodrick asked "yes I am."

Practice went well now it's time to get ready for the party "Rodrick go get ready you've worn that shirt almost every day this week" "what no it's fine" "change it" "no" "dude c'mon just changes it it's all wrinkled and stained" "ok ok fine whatever MOM" he said walking upstairs.

I made my way to my room i did my makeup, got dressed, and did my hair. I walked to liam's room I lightly knocked on the door as I walked in "hey kid wanna-" I was cut off once I smelled the scent of marijuana "what. The. Fuck" "woah nina haven't heard you cuss since mom died" he said raising his hands up waving around his blunt.

"Are you fucking kidding Liam?!" I raised my voice walking up to him "chill out dude wanna hit?" He said handing me the blunt. I took it out of his hand and studied it "you know what I want" "what?" He said rolling his eyes "I wanna know when you started this crap" I said calmly "how long has this been going on Liam" "2 or 3 weeks" I threw the blunt outside on the dirt

"3 weeks? Why?" "dude stop interrogating me who are you my mom" this pissed me off "you know what Liam?" I said with a small smile and a light chuckle "No. I'm not your mom because SHES DEAD but you know who I am? I'm your big sister and I've been to busy moping around not noticing what going on with you." I said tears pricking at my eyes Liam was on the verge of tears

"I just. I miss her so much nina" he said crying into my chest. It reminded me of when we were little he used to cry to me for every thing. I protected him from the big bad world but now I can't help but feel that I failed my job as a big sister. With my mom gone and my dad to focused on work that he can't even control what's going on at home. It was my job to protect him and i failed.

"I miss her to but you know what we have each other now. And we need to protect each other. I already failed because you're smoking weed." "Hey that's not you failing that's me failing" "just promis me you'll stop" "ok. I promise"

I heard a knock on the door "um I'm going to a party with Rodrick I was going to invite you but this incident happened. Can you just try to sober up before I get home I'll be back around 11 how's that?" Liam just smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I heard the front door open "nina?" I heard Rodrick "hey I'm upstairs" I said walking into my room to fix my mascara "you're not ready?" He asked "no not yet" "have you been crying?" He asked giving me a hug "yea but I'm all good now just let me fix my makeup and we'll go"

We were on our way to the party. I'm not gonna lie I was really nervous "are you ok you've been real quiet ni?" Rodrick asked me grabbing my hand. "Yea I'm just a little nervous I haven't been to a party in months" I said honestly "you're gonna have tons of fun trust me" he said giving me a reassuring smile he brought my hand up and gave it a kiss.

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