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I was home alone bored out of my mind Liam was with hanging out with Rodrick and my parents were at work. I plugged my phone into the speaker and played 'radio' by Lana del ray I moved my body to the beat of the music and sang my heart out. "Not even they can stop me now..."
Rodrick's POV
Me and Liam just finished practice and went to his house for food as soon as we walked in I heard the most angelic voice ever singing. "Oh my sisters singing again" "he said walking upstairs to shut her up "wait no she's really good" I said listening I gave him a look "no don't even think about it" he said "oh c'mon man she's got a great voice she can be the female lead" I argued "she won't agree man" "never hurts to ask" I said shrugging "fine I'll ask" he sighed
Nina's POV
"Like a fuckin' dream I'm livin in-" "NINA!!" I heard Liam shout I answered the door annoyed that he ruined my jam sesh "what?" "I have a question" he said looking at Rodrick then back at me I looked at Rodrick then Liam "whatever it is no" I said closing the door "wait!" Liam said holding the door open "will you be the female lead singer in loaded diaper" he asked quickly I started laughing my ass off but then I looked up to a pleading Rodrick and a serious Liam my smile dropped and looked back and forth between the two idiots standing in front of me "how about.... no" I said closing my door and turning up the music
Liam POV
I was not giving up we needed some good female vocals and nina was our only shot "c'mon ni please!!" I shouted over the music walking into her room "I can't hear you!!" She said and continued singing I turned down the music "hey asshole I was singing!" "Okay and you would still be singing in my band just in front of people and might actually get something out of it" Rodrick said referring to people would pay us to perform "I'll think about it" she said and continued to jam out then she looked back at us "get the fuck out" she said pushing us out the door.

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