15 part 2

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As soon as we walked into the house I was getting all kinds of looks. Looks of sorrow and pity. I got looks of annoyance and hatred. I mean it was the first time I've went to an event about a month. That was not like me at all so I understand.

"Did you hear about her mom I heard she was stabbed" "wait really I heard she had a heart attack" there was a lot of whispering they each said a different story about my mom.

"I heard that she was doing drugs and owed someone money." That was probably the only story that was halfway true she did ow someone money but the weird part was I never knew what it was for.

I shook off the thought and walked over to the drinks. "Hey nina?" I heard someone say "Noah? Oh my gosh hi" I said "what happened you like fell off the face off the earth for months" "uhm i just- I uhh." "Hey we don't gotta talk about it if your not ready"  he gave me a comforting hug. "Lets go party I mean that's why we're here right?"

After a while of dancing i walked off to look for reylen. I couldn't find her but I saw her brother Brandon I decided to ask him if he knew where she was. I've talked to her siblings before they're all pretty chill. But I'm really close with her and Brandon.

"Yo Brandon" i called to him "hey ni what's up how you liking the party pretty crazy am I right" "yeah crazy hey uhm do you know where reylen is" "oh umm I think she might be... uhm uhh-" "ok never mind I'll look" "ok well have fun"

I couldn't find reylen my head was throbbing and I couldn't find Rodrick anywhere and people just kept staring at me. I just wanted to go home. I was sitting at the kitchen table next to a couple making out. Damn. Just reminds me of how single I am.

I was on my phone because it was the only thing keeping me entertained at the moment when it died.  Great. Fucking amazing.

"Hey what time is it" I asked the girl next to me "12:47" "thanks" I said dozing off with my head laying on the table.

I woke up with a pounding headache I took in my surroundings I was in Rodrick's van "hey your awake" he said smiling. I was not in the mood. "I fell asleep. On the table. Next to a stoned kid and 2 other kids making out. Don't smile at me." I said in a groggy voice his face dropped "ok wow 'thanks babe for taking me to a party and having me reunited with my friends' your welcome" he said mimicking me

"You left me to go party with your friends I was alone passed out ON THE TABLE ALONE SORY IF IM PISSED OFF" I snapped. I was not in the mood for this shit. I checked the time on the clock '3:25' "are you fucking kidding me" I mumbled "what now" he said annoyed "it's 3 in the fucking morning my dad is most likely sitting on the  couch ready to ground me."

"Look I'm sorry ok. Fucking hell" he said I adverted my eyes out the window watching the stars "hey remember that one time we almost kissed under the stars" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. "Yea why" "stop the car"

I got out of the van and walked to the middle of the street. Rodrick soon followed my actions "what are you doing you're gonna get yourself killed" "there's no one even driving" i said grabbing his hand "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I said we were now looking in each other's eyes "don't be it's my fault now let's go you're gonna get grounded then you'll fall off the face of the earth again."

"Wait" i pulled him back the song 'every breath you take- the police' was playing on the radio in the van. We were just admiring each other the gap in between us was getting smaller and smaller. Oh fuck it I kissed him. Our lips moved in sync we were holding onto each other for dear life. 

"This time. We actually kissed under the stars" he said to me breathlessly "be my boyfriend. Like officially." I said also breathless "like no flirting with other people no more ditching me at party's and just- just don't give up on me" "ok as long as you don't push me away for a whole month without texting or calling me at all anymore and as long as you don't give up on  me" "ok" "ok"

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