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It was now Saturday I haven't talked to anyone at all like no one not even Rodrick tonight was the talent show which I had to go to because löaded dipar was singed up to participate I got dressed in some grey knee high boot/heels with denim shorts, a faded black shit that said 'löaded dipar' and a denim jacket. I tied my hair in a high ponytail leaving 2 strands out in front on my face. I did my makeup but the bags under my eyes still showed. I walked over to liams room " hey you ready" I asked "yea let's rock'n roll sista!" He said excitedly I sent him a small smile. We walked into the building and headed backstage "yo was sup guys" Ben said "who's that" I said pointing to some guy who looks around 30 with long blond hair "that's billy he's apart of the band now" Liam said. (Play song) I went to go get a drink of water to calm my nerves to much shit going on. I don't even know where Rodrick is I swear to god if he bails imma kill him, or at least when I get the energy I will. I walk back over to the group and heard billy arguing with, Rodrick?! "You can't go up there without me it's MY band!" "We're playing weather you like it or not" billy snapped at Rodrick causing him to storm out, I chased after him. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked Rodrick turning him to face me. He started crying I hugged him and let him cry into my shoulder "my parents found out about the party and won't let me play in the talent show" he said in between sniffles. My heart broke for him this is what he's been waiting for what could be his big break. Mrs.heffly came rushing towards us "Rodrick" his head shot up "mom please just let me play I'll do what-" "I'll let you play" "wait really?!" His face and my face lit up with joy probably the happiest I've been all week "yes now get your butts up there" "thank you so much! Oh also, can I borrow your eyeliner?" He's so cute. We were on stage performing our signature song. The crowed was cheering us on, well more like Susan heffly considering she was jammin out on stage without the boys noticing but I let them have their moment.
Me and Liam were about to leave when we heard Susan say "do you two need a ride home?" "Yea actually we do is that alright?" "Yes that's perfectly fine". We got to there house and said our goodbyes me and Liam started crossing the street till I heard "nina!" I turned around to see Rodrick we haven't talked since he cried on me I haven't really even said a full sentence today. "Nina wait! Liam can me and nina talk for a sec?" "Yea that fine" "what's up" I asked not making eye contact" "did I do something? I mean you haven't talked to me for almost a weak" "no I just have shit going on" I said turning to go home until he grabbed my hand "you can talk to me nina. Please talk to me. I have been dying over here I'm falling apart without you here teasing me, or making me laughing and smile. So please I'm begging you just talk to me" he pleaded "my parents are getting a divorce" I said with teary eyes as soon as I said that he took me into his warm embrace, I never wanted to leave his side.

*¡Rock Star! * 𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚏𝚏𝚕𝚢Where stories live. Discover now