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About an hour passed and the house is flooded with drunk messy teens. Occasionally you'll see people tryna go into the rooms to hook up, then you see the drunk girl that trips over everything. I was bored out of my mind Rodrick ditched me to go with Ben to try to pick up some chicks which made me fuming mad if I were a cartoon steam would be coming out of my ears. He foreal played my ass, just then Noah walked in the house I smirked to myself "two can play at that game heffly" I mumbled. I got up and made my way over to Noah "hey you made it!" I said "yea I did" he flashed me a smile I looked around the room and grabbed his hand "were gonna dance" I said dragging him to the dance floor. The room was hot and muggy full of sweaty teens, our bodies were close together moving to the music I looked to my right and saw Rodrick leaning against the chimney with Ben and Chris and damn he looked so pissed. "Imma go get a drink"I said to Noah leaving him on the dance floor. I swayed my hips seductively walking pass Rodrick and poured myself a drink "hey, having fun" I asked Rodrick "yup a total blast" he said sarcastically. I hummed in response and walked away. I was dancing till I saw Rodrick dragging rowley to the basement and threw him in. I walked up to him "let's dance" I said grabbing his hand "no" he said pulling his hand back "what why c'mon" I said reaching for his hand but he pulled it back "what's your damage?" "Why dont you go dance with your boyfriend" he points at Noah why is he being such and ass he started it! I slightly laughed out of anger I looked back at him and sent him a cold glare. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the restroom and locked the door. "Is that seriously what this is about?! Noah?!" He looked away from me and clenched his jaw "hey asshole you don't get to look away from me!" I said gaining his attention "what did you expect me to be happy after you kissed me then went and dance with the dude you were flirting with earlier?!" He yelled "I should ask you the same goddamn thing considering you did it to me first!" I yelled poking his chest "don't fucking touch me Nina!!" He grabbed my wrist "fuck you!" I started walking away but he grabbed my hand "don't walk away from me!" "Why shouldn't I?!" I pull my arm back and storm out slamming the door behind me, i leand against the wall, was I over reacting? Should I apologize? Wait no he should be the one apologizing to me. I brushed it off and continued to dance.
Rodrick POV
I was mad so I wanted to get her back but then she got me back which pissed me off even more. But I over reacted I walked out of the bathroom and looked for her. I fucked up and she probably won't even wanna talk to me, I saw her dancing on the table! She was definitely drunk. I walked over to her "yo nina!" She squared down to reach my eye level "whachu want ur killin ma buzz" "I'm sorry nina really I over reacted" she sent me a smile I fuckin love her smile I love those dimples every thing about her she's absolutely perfect. I threw her over my shoulder and took a sip of the vodka in front of me. "Let's party!!!" We're all in the living room having a blast till u hear the phone ring "EVERY ONE SHHH!!" I yelled "pause the music! If anyone makes a sound the party's over and I will be a dead man, literally" I say walking over to the phone it is dead silent til I hear a crunch "DUDE SHH!" I yell I pick up the phone "hey mom yea we're doin goo, oh you wanna talk to Greg? Well he's asleep don't wanna wake him-" "actually mom I'm right here" Greg says from the third line using the phone in the basement "oh hey honey Rodrick go get your brother" "yea Rodrick come get me" I sigh "ok" I went to the basement and pulled dragged him out "hey mom right here" he said to the phone "ok well goodnight" we hung up. "If you two do anything to embarrass me you're dead." I say to rowley and Greg "chill out they'll be fine right boys" I heard nina say "right" Greg says and walks away with rowley "let's party" nina said I picked her up and walked us to the living room to dance.

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