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I woke up to a ringing in my ear... nope it was the phone. I looked around and realized I was in the heffly's living room cuddling with Rodrick in the floor and Greg knocked out in the couch. My head was pounding "hey boys it's mom. Manny got sick so we are on our way home right now" now that is what woke the boys up. They immediately started cleaning and I helped of course. I was cleaning the living room with Rodrick "is that a shoe?" I asked walking behind the couch and got scared shitless as soon as I did "holy shit!" "What are you ok?!" Rodrick asked me protectively "get the fuck out!" I said to the dude knocked out on the floor as he walked out the door I threw his shoe at him. The house was now spotless "ugh finally!" Greg said "uhh Rodrick?" "What?" Greg pointed at the bathroom door "SHIT!" They ran to the basement to get a door to switch it out ass soon as they finished we relaxed on the sofa. We heard a car pull up that's when I remembered "shit I have to go!!" Rodricks eyes popped out of his head "go through the basement! Go! Go! Go!" He whispered yelled I walked into the basement and it was dark as fuck. I heard faint talking from upstairs. I preyed open the window which will definitely leave me blisters because it was really jamed as soon as I opened it I made a run for it all the way to my house. I walked straight to liams room "hey you didn't show up yesterday what happened?" He looked hurt and mad "hey you okay?" I asked sitting next to him. He handed me a piece of paper the said : "hey kids I got good news and bad news. I'll give you bad news first then the good news to lighten the news. I got a job offer in Arizona. I took up the offer, but you're mother was not very happy about that. We got in a very big argument and words were exchanged. We will be getting a divorce, now it is up to you kids if you guys want you can stay here with your mother, or you can come with me to California. I leave in 1 week so start thinking. ~dad"
(Play song)
My eyes teared up "no" I said hardly a whisper I got up and walked to my room and just cried. I knew nothing else. If I go to California I won't see my mom for god knows how long. I'll lose Chris and Ben. I'll lose Rodrick, I couldn't lose Rodrick. But if I stayed here I would lose my dad. I was actually beginning to have a nice father daughter relationship with him, but now what? Ive lost everything for as long as I could remember. I've tried so hard to be the perfect daughter.
"Hey daddy-o!" 5 year old me said excitedly running into my fathers arms "hey ni, how was school sweetheart?" I showed him a flyer with a giant smile on my face it read:
             🎵Father Daughter Dance!🎵
Cougars elementary invites you to our anuel father daughter dance!!
Friday January 23
From 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                 Hope to see you all there!!
  My dad looked at me with a frown "oh ni. I really wish I could but I have work Friday I'm sorry my love" "it's fine I understand" I said with a frown walking to my room. It was a rainy day so I went to play in the puddles. I was outside silently crying imagining what it would be like standing on my dads toes as he moved his feet around making up dance. I let the flyer absorb all the water and wash out of my hands floating down the street.
I sighed my heart felt so incredibly heavy ring!ring!

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