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We were sitting in the middle of the street there were no cars at all so no worries. "Dad's moving to California" I said hardly a whisper and a scratchy voice "he wants Liam and me to go with" "are you going to" he asks facing me, I continue looking in the distance "don't know, either way I lose someone" "don't say that-" "say what? The truth?" He looked away from me. "Promise me one thing" Rodrick said "we will never forget each other" "promise" we haven't talked about the kiss yet, it's like it never happened.  "Spend the night" he said "like a sleepover?" I raised my eyebrows "sure why not we can watch movies and listen to music get your mind off of everything" "Yea that sounds fun" I said with a smile. I grabbed my clothes and went to his house. "What movie we watchin?" I asked walking into his room "I was thinking the conjuring" he said giving me a look that basically told me to be prepared. I sighed "fine but only if we can watch clueless after" he scrunched his eyebrows together "what the hell no, no, no-no chick-flicks" "fine no horror movies" I said he sighed "fine" he  agreed in defeat. We quietly went downstairs, we grabbed a few snacks and walked to the living room. We were 15 minutes into the movie then I fell asleep. About an jour later I woke up to a phone ringing I looked at my phone:
9 missed calls from 'Liam🎸'
11 missed calls from 'Dad'
Dad: come home now it's urgent!!
Dad: answer your phone!!
Liam🎸: please come home nina it's bad
I herd a pounding on the door that most likely woke up every one.  I jolted up and answers it. It was Liam covered in, blood? He was crying his eyes out trying to get the words out of his mouth. "Let's go" I grabbed his arm ignoring the questions coming from the heffly's. We ran into my house and saw my mom a crying mess there was blood everywhere, and that's when I saw the worst thing ever. My mom was on the floor, bleeding out.

A/n~ hey guys! So sorry for not updating for a while I haven't had any time. Next chapter is going to be really fucking sad so skip it if you want or don't I can't tell you what to do.

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