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It's been a week since I've officially joined the band. I've been getting really close with the boys Chris and Ben are kinda like brothers to me but Rodrick in the other hand he's turned out to be my best friend, I've actually kinda grew a little crush in him. Unfortunately there will be no practice this weekend because Rodrick decided to be a dick to Greg at church so they are grounded for the weekend. Ding! My phone went off it read 'party at my place tonight -Rodrick' what the hell I thought calling his cell. "Sup rockstar" he answered "your throwing a party? Aren't you grounded?" "Yea but parents are gone for the weekend might as well take advantage, uhh your coming right" he sounded a little hopeful "eh I don't know man I'm a real lightweight, can't handle my liquor to well and I want you to have fun and not worry about me but Liam will be there" "then just don't drink so that you can have fun and still remember" "I don't know rodr-" "please it won't be fun without you" "eh I- fine" "YES!! Ok see you in a hour" "an hour? Isn't that a little to early" "you helping me set up dumb bitch" "ok asshole bye" I said hanging up. I went through my clothes and chose out black high wasted shirts with a black tube top and black combat boots I curled my hair and did my makeup, I looked at myself in the mirror and dayuum I was hotter than a motha fucka if I don't make Rodrick drool tonight I don't know what will- nina stfu you are not dressing to impress you're dressing for you but never hurts to look good to get your man ;) "imma split to Rodricks he wants me to help set up c'ya in a hour"I said to Liam walking out the door I was crossing the street and tripped over my laces and face planted straight onto the floor "ahh fuck!" I yelled rolling over "shit my makeup!" I said pulling out my phone camera to check if I looked fine "are you okay" I heard someone say I looked to my right and saw some dude "yea all good just fell" I said tying my laces he was cute he had light brown hair, tan, dimples, and was tall "I'm Noah" he said giving me a hand "nina" I said taking his hand helping me up. We talked for about five minutes till I got a text "Rod-dickhead🖕🥁: stop flirting and help me set up ass😒" "look I've gotta go but there a party at this house right here" I said pointing to the heffly's "in about and hour if you wanna come, it was nice talkin to ya" "ok bye" I sent him a nod and walked into the house "honey I'm home!" I said sarcastically "k get the drinks from that cabinet" he said bluntly "what happened to you, sounded happy that I was coming about 10 minutes ago why so pissed" I said "I'm. Fine." He said sternly looking in my eyes walking to the living room "the fuck is his problem" I asked Greg "he saw you talking to that dude outside and it's like a switch flipped" I scrunched my eyebrows "huh" I scoffed. Was he jealous?
Rodrick's POV
She was flirting with him. I know what I saw I'm way better looking than him. What did she see in him? Why am I jealous? Do I like her? Yup, I'm not even gonna deny it. She looked SO hot today. 30 minutes passed and people should be getting here "yo Greg" I called him waving him over "what's up" "go set up the chairs in the basement for musical chairs" he walked in the basement leaving a weight to hold the door open I moved the weight and locked him in "RODRICK HELP The doors locked!!" "I know and it's staying locked I don't need a middle schooler ruining my party" "I thought it was OUR party" "MY party" "what's going on" nina asked walking over "Greg is not to come out of there" I said walking to the kitchen "what you locked him in there?! Rodrick what the hell!" "I don't need him ruining my party" I said turning to face her she just sighed "so wanna tell me why you were pussed off at me?" She asked opening a beer "thought you can't handle your alcohol?" "Liquor, can't handle my liquor" "same shit" "not even but ok" she shrugged "again wanna tell me why you were pissed?" "No I don't wanna because I wasn't" LIE THAT WAS A LIE "mhm" she hopped off the counter and moved in front of me I was leaning against the counter and she walked closer with about only an inch of space between us
Nina's pov
"Was someone jealous" I said pouting and moving closer his cheeks were turning red but he tried his best to keep a straight face he rolled his eyes and looked the other way I grabbed his face not hard but enough to move his head to face me "mabey" he said slightly above a whisper his eyes move from my eyes to lips I did the same. We both started to lean in we were centimeters apart fuck it's thought I was about to kiss him but he beat me to it he grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine, our lips moved in sync his lips were so soft he moved one hand to my waist and the other on the back of my neck as I played with his hair. We pulled apart catching our breath "wow" was all I said he sent me one of his adorable smiles Knock! Knock! "Looks like guests are here I said moving away "wait" he grabbed my hand and gave me a quick kiss "I'll get it" I walked to the living room and played the music

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