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"Hey wanna do something today ya know to get out of the house. We could go to the arcade with the band or just kick it in the garage?" Liam asked me. He's been slowly trying to get me out of my room.

"Um yea sure" I said. I needed to get out of this god damn house.  "I'll call Rodrick" I said "ok I'll call Ben and Chris."

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand
"Hey" I said
"Hey nina what's up"
"I was wondering if you're down to hang out with me and the boys today"
"Hell yea. C'ya in a bit"

I got dressed and did my hair I put on some light makeup and grabbed my money.  Me and Liam headed out the door and met Rodrick in the middle of the street.

I ran to him and tackled him in a hug. "Woah! Someone's excited!" He said laughing trying to stop us from falling "duh I haven't been out in forever!" "Well let's go then!" He said swinging the van keys back and forth.

I looked at him then at Liam then back at Rodrick. "Can I drive the van?" I asked with a small smile. They turned white as a ghost "no" they said in sync. "C'mon pleaseeee I'll pay for the food" I begged

We were in the arcade the 3 musketeers were god knows where and me and Rodrick were eating pizza.

Rodrick's POV
I missed her. I know she shut me out for a long time but I understand. She needed time to herself. But somethings off.

The sparkle in her eyes are gone. Her smile almost looks forced. She's not the same. I mean who would be the same. After seeing their mom die right in fro t of her.

"You good? You seem really deep in thought" she broke the silence i fixed my gaze on her "yea yea I'm ok" I said "yea ok" she stirred her drink around with her straw. I smiled at myself thinking about how adorable she was.

"You wanna go to the photo booth?" She asked me "the photo booth?" I asked raising my eyebrow "Yea c'mon it'll be fun!" She said dragging me.

We sat down and started the machine "ok ready" she asked setting the timer "yea"  the  first pose she squished my cheeks (on ur face u nastys) making my lips pop out I did the same to her. Next I gave her a kiss on the cheek

"This is so stupid" I said "oh whatever" we were staring into each other's eyes we forgot the booth was still taking pictures. Next thing I know we were both leaning in. We were inches apart when the boys jumped in the booth at photo bombing. Great.

"Woah did we interrupt something here?" Ben asked as the photos were printing out. "Uh no" nina said looking anywhere but me. "Well it sure looked like we did" Chris said as we all got out of the booth.

I looked at the picture. We were so close.

*¡Rock Star! * 𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚏𝚏𝚕𝚢Where stories live. Discover now