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It's been a week. Moms funeral is tomorrow, the house has been so quiet. I haven't spoke to my dad or Liam or anybody at all. If I do talk it's very little, if I record led myself talking throughout the day the video would probably be like 30 minutes. It feels like I haven't slept in forever. Dad wants me to start going to therapy. "Have you taken your antidepressants today?" Liam asked walking in my room I nodded in response "really? Because it's been a moth and the bottles still full" silence took over the room I was staring at my ceiling laying on my bed "nina this isn't a joke" "Was by would it be a joke moms dead. She got shot five times. That's not funny" "you need to take this seriously" "I am ok. I'm grieving just like everyone else dose after a death" "this isn't how people grieve nina-" "DONT TELL ME HOW TO HANDLE THIS!! MY MOM IS DEAD. She's dead. I-i couldn't even say goodbye. I haven't heard her tell me that she loves me in months." "You're not the only one going through this I hope you know that" "yea I do, I just don't wanna take those meds. They kill me it's like I'm numb. Like I'm a robot when I take those. I have no emotion- I'm just- just scared I'm gonna hurt someone if I don't care" I thought of Rodrick. I already did hurt him I pushed him away just like I did to everyone. I knew what I had to do. I had to see him "I'll be back I have and apology for someone" I said to Liam walking out of my room. I crossed the street and walked up to his door I was about to knock but I chickened out "he probably doesn't want to see you. You ghosted him for a month" "you led him on and left him for dirt" I turned on my heel and started walking back to my house "nina?" I heard Rodrick. I knew it was him "hi" I said with a smile turning to him. Before I knew it he was- hugging me? "You got out you're-youre out. How are you?" "Yea, Yea I'm out, um haven't been taking this all that well but I'm trying to keep my mind off of it" "well that's good"
Rodrick's POV
I was genuinely happy to see her again. I knew her long enough to know that whenever she hits a bump on the road she take a lot of time to herself and only herself. Liam has been updating me on her. How she lashes out whenever they bring up her mood or meds. She's hurting all I wanted to to since that day was just take care of her for the rest of her life.

A/N: I know it has been forever since I updated and I am so incredibly sorry I lost my account and just barely singed back in. But to those of you who stuck around thank you so much I truly means the world to me!!🤍

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