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It was now Wednesday and Liam and Rodrick have been non stop begging for me to sing in their band. After a lot of thinking it could be fun. I heard loud music coming from across the street and walked my talented ass over there (hair flip lmao / also u will be using random songs imagine that löaded dipar wrote them)
I knocked on the front door and Greg answered "where's you garage?" I asked he led me to the garage we opened he door and we were greeted by extremely loud music there was no way I would get there attention "okay go get me 2 frying pans"  I told Greg he gave me a confused look "just do it kid it's not like imma kill em" the boys weren't bad but they weren't all that great there were 2 other boys there one with brown hair and the other with blonde "here ya go" Greg said handing me the pans as soon as I
Laid hands on them I crashed them together making a very loud and annoying doing causing the boys to jump. "Your savior is here" I said once all of their eyes were on me "wait dose this mean?!" Rodrick asked with excitement "yup!" He ran up to me and picked me up spinning me around in a tight hug "okay okay your welcome you can let go now" I said "guys this is nina, nina that's Chris the" he pointed to the blonde dude "and that Ben the lead singer" he pointed to the other brunette "guys this is nina the female lead" they showed me a song they were working on and we decided to rehearse it we all got in positions Rodrick started us off (play song^) "give me a second i- I need to get my story straight..." we rehearsed and I sang with all my heart along with Ben and just pictured what it would be like to play in front of thousands of people with this band. After rehearsal we went inside to watch a movie "c'mon rockstar" Rodrick said pulling me down to sit next to him "you did good in there" "thanks you weren't to bad yourself" I replied he sent me a goofy smile which I returned he then placed his arm around my shoulder and I leand my head on his shoulder. by the time the movie was over all everyone was asleep besides me and Rodrick "ah shit it's already 12 me n Liam gotta go" I said jumping from my seat "wait!" He whispered grabbing my hand "just stay the night" he said with a shrug i thought about it for a second then gave in "fine" we laid down on the floor since there was no room to lay on the couch I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist so I turned around "what are you doing" I asked Rodrick "cuddles" he said burying his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep.

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