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⚠️So this chapter is a very sad chapter it includes gun violence and blood so if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff I suggest for you to skip this chapter ⚠️Everything was moving in slow motion. I could barley hear the sounds of the sirens. The room was filled with horrid screams. It's almost as if every time something good finally happens, every thing else comes crumbling down. I stood there not knowing what to do. Staring at my mothers almost lifeless body. "Mom?" I cried out barley a whisper "mom?" I said louder walking towards her "mom! Mommy!" I fell to her side and held her in my arms. I kept saying to myself "she's just asleep". "Mommy wake up" 6 year old nina said pushing her mother's hair out of her mother's face. I pushed her hair out her face "MOM!!" I asked tears flowing down my cheeks. "Mommy let's play hide and seek!" 6 year old nina said to her mother "okay I'll go hide" her mother said as she went to the other room. I screamed in pain as I watched the paramedics take her in there vehicle. "Where are you going mommy?"  6 year old nina asked her mom as she got in the car "I have to go to the doctor. Your dad will take care of you" her mother replied "you're leaving without me" nina asked looking at the ground "I'll be back I promise". Only this time I wasn't sure if she would ever come back. "What happened?" The police officer asked my brother "I was in my room when I heard my mom arguing with someone. I went downstairs and it was some man. They were fighting because she owed him money or something like that I can't really remember. But then it got physical so I jumped to protect her but as soon as I got my first punch in he fired his gun 5 times." He paused "and he missed me, because m-my mom s-saved me" he said completely breaking down I held him in my arms as we fell to the floor. The whole neighborhood was outside watching all of this. But I didn't care. I just wanted my life back. The air was filed with screams, cries, and sirens. But all I wanted to hear right now was my mom telling me how much she loved me. I haven't heard those three words from her in forever. But I knew she did. I know she loves us. She took five bullets because of love.  My mother was not a bad person. She did not deserve this. My dad took Liam into his embrace and went inside to get him water with the police following to ask questions "NINA!!" I heard a terrified Rodrick scream as he searched the crowed looking for me. Once his eyes fell on me he sprinted to me I was laying on the cold street screaming and crying my heart out. He took me into his embrace. 
Rodrick's POV
I held her in my arms she held onto me as tight as she can. Her screams were ear piercing and terrifying. Her tears were as big as ponds. And her breathing was heavy as if she had just won an Olympic marathon. "Shh it's okay it's all going to be ok" I said stroking her hair and rocking us back and forth we sat there for about 30 minutes. Our parents decided it would be best for her  to spend a couple nights with us and her dad and Liam at the hospital with her mom. I carried her to my room and placed her on my bed I made a small bed for myself on the floor. She cried herself to sleep outside. "Rodrick?" I heard her say lower than a whisper "he what wrong are you hungry do you want water what do you need me to do I'll do anything just tell me and I'll-" "lay down with me" she cut me off I nodded my head and let her cuddle into me. As she fell asleep I was so angry and sad. She did nothing to deserve this, I'm going to make sure nothing bad happens to my girl ever again.

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