1. Flashback and alcohol

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Trigger warning: Chapter involves mentions of suicide and death and anxiety

Steve pov.


I look at the Winter Soldier and he nods his head, signaling it's time. We start the motorcycles and head towards the car in front of us. The mission is to extract and kill with no witnesses, cameras included.

The target has recreated the Super Soldier serum and that things is critical for our new version of the Winter Soldiers.

We drive and the Winter Soldier uses his gun to knock out the tires and sending the car into a nearby tree. A man in white hair crawled out pleading us to help his wife. I turn to speak to the Winter Soldier.

"Извлеките дело и убейте свидетеля. Уберите все камеры в процессе" (Extract the case then kill the witness. Take out any cameras in the process)

"почему я должен? Ты не мой босс" (Why should I? You're not my boss) He growled

"Просто сделай это " (Just do it) I retorted

He grumbles and leaves while muttering curse words.

I turn to the broken car and I see a male with white hair crawling out and begging us to help his injured wife. I look over to the Winter Soldier as he's taking the case to the motorcycle. 

I take off my helmet and march over to the male, and I see a hand grab his hand. My hand. The man stares into my icy blue eyes and mutters out 

"Captain Rogers?"

I don't answer

" Captain Rogers, we used to know each other back in WWII, we fought Hydra together. It was until you were presumed dead" 

I get fed up while he's rambling so I say 

"Hail Hydra"

Then I punch him twice, killing him-


"Howard!" I scream as I jolt awake.

I look around to see that i'm in my bedroom and I definitely didn't fall asleep in here. The clock reads 2am.

"Son of a bitch" I curse silently

Anthony Stark has drugged me since I haven't slept in like a week. Although he hasn't slept himself.

It takes a few moments to gather my bearings and compose myself before the memory came back again. Instead of a third person view it was first person and made the expirence more terrifying. 

Third person pov

It's now 2:30 AM 

Steve was not okay.

He had torn apart his room 30 minutes ago while his fustration was getting the better of him. It took everything he had not to scream in pain, anguish, guilt  and fusreation. 

He wasn't okay today but by noon he(hopefully) would be fine and act like this never happened. Maybe go out for a drink later with Tony later and try to get drunk even though he possibly can't.

Steve and Tony were good- no, BEST friends and went out regularly with each other. Everytime they would go out he swore that Tony would look at him with longing and love in his eyes. Steve was aware of this but never pursued with him because of his dark past and he knows how much Tony hates Hydra, so he wasn't going to take that risk. Not now. Not ever.

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