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Winter Soldier pov.

My name is James Buchanan Barnes, born 1917 and best friend to Steve Rogers. I am gay and my heart belongs to Steve, Captain America, and Captain Hydra. I escaped from Hydra and now they're looking for us.

Steve Rogers.

That right there is to remind myself of who I am when I get lost in my past. Steve and I have this relationship that passed the countless brainwash we endured.

When Steve almost destroyed Hydra 2 years ago he also broke my programming and freeing me from Hydra's control. That tipped them over the edge as they lost both of their weapons in the span of 3 years and sent a search for us that's still going.

And then came a post that was related to Captain America and what I saw shattered my heart so I did anything I could to get to New York just to be with him. And once I got there I made the wrong move and attacked his friend and injured him, but I escaped just to see the one that made this difference to my life.

"I missed you" 

I smile and hug him for dear life with tears flowing freely from my eyes.

"Stevie, I am so sorry for what I just said, but we have to move" We break apart and he stares at me hard.

"What do you mean?"

"засекречен, так что скажи ему уйти" (classified so tell him to leave)

"Sam, out please and Jarvis soundproof the room" He sighs and I feel bad because here I am after two years just about to tell him that Hydra is searching for us while the man just got out of surgery. But Sam still leaves.

"Hydra's furious about losing us, they're looking in every building in every city and if we don't leave now they will find us and brainwash us again. I can't lose you again like that Stevie." I shake my head and let out a sob, lost in the past as I hurt Steve when he first began. "I can't do that again, to you."

"Hey, look at me." I don't then he says it louder and cups his hands around my face"Look at me Bucky, I'm here alright? We're not going anywhere where they can hurt us." I look into his blue eyes and trust what he's saying.

"But-" I began

"No buts, you're living with me now"

"The trigger words"I whisper

"Ya know Stevie, you should not be standing right now and not discuss this right in front of me" 

We whip our heads around and we see Stark sitting up in the hospital bed. I send a cold glare to him and he recoils but that's not enough. He could hurt Steve in this state so I step in front of him protectively and growl. 

"Buck, not now" Steve says in a warning tone.

I was reluctant but I obeyed, I took out my knife from my sheath and Steve gulped and tried to grab my hand but it was too late.

"What did you hear" I walked towards the Stark who still hasn't moved.

"What do you know!" I was towering above him with my knife in hand and ready to strike if I have to. I grab him by the shirt and throw him on the ground and once he gets up I whip around him and grab him by his neck and press the knife on his throat.

"Im not going to say this again, what do you know" I growled and looked at Steve who was eyeing the knife aware of that I could do in the span of 3 seconds, I pressed it harder and drew a thin streak of hot blood and then he started talking.

"What, you going to use that knife on me the same way you killed my mom?" He taunts and Steve and I froze, how did he know that?

"Tony, why did you go into my room?" Steve walked towards us and grabbed the knife from my hand and put the tip on his nose. "How do you know?" Steve said in a cold and flat voice that sends shivers down my spine knowing it was me who did this.

Stark was about to answer when I saw two books. Anxiety shot up my chest because the blue one with the red star contained his trigger words, the ones that turns him into Captain Hydra. The other one however was filled with his drawing and sketches all with the theme of death and me and him under Hydra's control. 

The sketches itself were beautiful but the actual message sends chills to everyone. Including me, so I walk over and grabbed my knife and hand Steve his book. I look into Starks warm chocolat eyes with my cold ones and say "You know what that book can do?"

He shakes his head and I answer for him "The words in that book are Russian and are his trigger words. The words that turn him into his Hydra counter part, same with my words." I chuckle then continue " And trust me, you don't want to know him like that. Ruthless, merciless, emotionless, cold, shall I go on?" 

What I said shook him to his core then Steve continued "So when we say don't look into these books then you don't. Either one of us could bring a country down and we already have and we could kill the Avengers in 30 seconds tops if we wanted to." Steve was now rigid with his back straight and shoulders more broad. His chin was up and voice was deep.

Seeing that he won't speak so I finish for him "Hydra's pissed about losing their super soldiers but they have more and they will send them out. They have the serum from when we killed your parents as you mentioned earlier" Steve lets out a groan and winces, presumably from the memory.

"We could handle them just fine but that's not a risk we should take. So we live with you guys to stay low because his last mission was to infiltrate the Avengers and destroy it from the inside, so that's where they would look. You will provide any medical needs, meals and somewhere to train, and to lay low for a while" I said then Tony started talking

"So what's in for us? If I'm going to do this there must be something for me."

I turn to Steve and say things in Russian "Я мог бы присоединиться к мстителям, таким образом, мы с тобой могли бы защитить их, если нам понадобится" ( I could join the avengers, that way you and i could protect them if we need to)

He nods and says to Tony "He will become an Avenger, because only me and him could hold them back and potentially kill them" Tony snorts

"Uh hello! We have Wanda, Vision, my suits, Antman, Thor and Bruce" 

"Your suits could be deactivated easily, I already did it, Thor and Bruce are off world, Antman is just a suit that can be hacked easily, Vision is a gem powered android and Wanda powers can be blocked by a collar produced by Hydra" I say

He thinks that over for a bit then gives in "Alright you can join the Avengers and live in the tower on Steve's floor." We nod then I look at Steve who's on the verge of passing out so when he falls i catch him and carry him bridal style to his bed and reinsert the IV then I turn to Tony one last time "buy me some clothes please, I should be his size" He leaves then I crawl into the bed with Steve and notice he's cold so I spoon him like I did so many times before.

"I will never leave you and if hydra gets to you I'll tear the world apart just to get to you. I love you Steve, always have and always will." I kiss his forehead then I sleep.

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