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Bucky POV.

Well then, my days could've been better. Steve is being controlled by HYDRA which is precisely what I didn't want. The controlling isn't even the worse part, the abuse is. Imagine being whipped on a regular basis, almost starving and dying of thirst, poor living conditions, and when you get fed: it's always rotten.


It's been 1 year since the initial event from the alcohol poisoning and 1 year of pain and tears. 1 year of therapy. Playing the role of Captain of the Avengers. Being someone I'm not. The fake joy and pretending I'm fine when I'm far from that.

A few tears stream from my face and Tony notices and walks over. "Doing ok?

I look into his eyes for a few moments before shaking my head, "N-not really. Scared"

Tony decides to sit beside me, "I've been meaning to talk to you about Steve"

The corners of my lips lift for a moment, "Yeah, what about him?"

Tony seemed in distress as he was sweating and kept running his hand through his hair, messing it up more. I smirk. 

"I- I think that I'm in love with him."

I give him a look and he continues, "Wouldyoubeokifidatedyourbestfriend?"

I raise my eyebrow, before saying "Well, guess I am the closest one to a relative, so yes. I now realize that some people are better off as friends rather than couples. This may hurt for a bit but I know that you will be good for each other" I pause for a moment, "Don't you think it's wise if we actually get Rogers back before planning dates?"

Tony stuttered, "Y-yeah, yeah, like after everything. That's what I meant"

"3 minutes till drop" Natasha calls from the front.

3rd pov

Hydra base.

Sirens are going off everywhere and Hydra agents and running in formations unknown to the Avengers, but it doesn't matter.

Natasha's voice rings in the comms, "east wing, cell 18. Status: critically injured"

Tony's stomach churned painfully before responding, "roger that" a snort came from the comms that Tony vaguely recognized as Clint.

The hallways were deserted and was giving off the killer vibes, now come to think of it, there was a killer, Tony shook off that thought.

Coming to a halt before the cell, he had realized that he could not go in, but he had to. His hand just would not turn the key, or even step towards the door without having a panic attack. So he waited until one of his teammates came to rescue him and the blonde he loved. 

But none ever came.

come on Tony, you can do this. Just man up, Tony thinks to himself. Boosted by this, he runs into the door.


The door fell open and Tony immediately felt sickened at what he saw. His awkward blue-eyed blond wasn't there but rather some signs of torture with a strong smell of blood and a hint of sex at one point. There was a massive amount of blood on the floor and walls and a bloodied whip was in the corner. 

Tony felt like he was going to vomit, scream, pass out, or anything, but instead, he had numbness. Which in his opinion, was so much worse.



Mental health's a bitch, school too.

Updates may come slower and I'm terribly sorry for the huge break.

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