9. Why?

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I'm bored so I thought to update.

I also don't own the fan art and I don't know the artist

Natasha POV.

So Thor and Bruce left last night to god who knows where and the Winter Soldier left. I still remember when he shot me. And I thought that Steve would be against the LGBTQ since they were not tolerated and even killed by haters back then. As it turned out Steve came to me one night and confessed how he wanted Tony but also another one from his past called Bucky.

But when I told him to go for it he said that he couldn't have him because he wasn't worthy of him so I assured him that Tony loved him too but he just sighed and left. Not being able to read him made this so much more difficult but I let it drop trusting Steve.

I walk into the hospital and head to Steve's room which is 738 still in a huff from last night when I went and gave the Winter Soldier his dinner and found him gone with no security footage.

To say I was shocked is an understatement, I was flabbergasted. Lost for words. 

Because when I walked into that room I first saw Steve with a smile on his face with Tony spooning him with Steve spooning...THAT LITTLE SHIT

I screamed...and no one woke up, how?

Steve is spooning the Winter Soldier but now he has a post it on his face with "Hello, my name is Bucky" and that's Stark's writing, also the window is smashed with blood on the floor.

I look to see if anyone else is here and almost the entire team is here, with the exception of Thor and Bruce of course, and they are all staring at the sleeping trio. Few minutes go by and Tony begins to stir, and stares at us wide eyed with a bandage on his neck. He makes some gestures in sign language which none one us understand. And that's when the Winter "Bucky" Soldier woke up.

Steve moved a bit causing Bucky to jolt awake and not realizing where he was he punched Steve off him and grabbed his knife from his pocket, then he saw me. 


I smile and about to answer until Tony intervened "I'm fine Tony, thank you for asking Tony. Gee I was scared from what Steve scared you and fell flat on your face." 

I roll my eyes and help him up and from the corner of my eye I see Steve comforting Bucky while hugging him from behind and playing with his hair and Tony is staring at Steve with intense longing.

I sense some drama coming!

The classic highschool story where the main character is torn between a friend from childhood and someone new that hated them. Romance is in the air.



Maybe I'm enjoying this a bit too much now that I think of it. 

Oh well.

I snap back to reality and I see Steve getting another IV by a nurse that's explaining that it contains some nutrients and fluids as well as a pain med. Few minutes go by and his face noticably relaxes, maybe thats because Bucky is hugging him.

Sam is glaring at Bucky, Clint looks lost, Tony's jelly, Wanda is confused,  Vision is Vision.  Bucky looks up with sadness in his eyes and was about to say something but Steve said it for him.

"This is James Buchanan Barnes, or Bucky and is my best friend from my childhood. Two years ago he almost killed me but I almost killed him so karma?" Bucky snorts and was silenced with one of Steve's looks before talking once again.

"He is known as the Winter Soldier and I talked to Tony about this and he's considering letting him join the Avengers, because if he can beat me in a fight than you guys can't." It's Clint's turn to snort.

"Wow, talk about good support from your capta-" Before he could finish cold metal was upon his neck.

Clint POV.

Cold, very cold metal was on my neck and I see Bucky above me with a knife from earlier. I hear a gun cock and I know instantly it's Natasha and the grip on my neck noticably tightens. He searches my pockets and grab my gun and points it at her. 

If there's anyone out there please tell my wife I love her but I love chicken nuggets more, tell my kids that I forgot to buy their lego sets. PLEASE let me die knowing their safe. Goodbye cruel world, and I'll join you soon momma.

"Say something like that to Steve again and I'll end your bloodline and make your accident look like a death" 

"At ease soldier" I see Steve through my blackened vision and before I pass out I barely hear "It's ok, you can never hurt me" Then the grip on my neck loosens but the knife still on my neck.

"Steve?"Tony asks worriedly

"Отпусти его сейчас" (Let him go now) Steve says in a unknown language.

"Если они причинят вам боль, их смерть будет медленной и мучительной." (If they hurt you in anyway, their death will be slow and painful)

Natasha is stunned and Vision looks shocked. Steve is calm and cold, his posture proves his dominance and his voice is stern since this is the FIRST time someone ever said no to a direct order.

Then a nurse busted in.


Red mist flows to her head and she walks out, next it goes to Steve, Bucky and Natasha, she instantly obliges but the other two aren't giving in. She tries harder but again fails.

"You guys know that I'm still in a headlock by someone stronger than Steve right?" I say

Bucky says something in Russian and instantly on the floor with Steve on him with a foot on his throat. I gasp and put pressure on my neck and immediately scramble back from the two super soldiers. Bucky then grasps his arms and throws him off and Steve gets up but before he could he doubles over and his face is set in a grimace. He's holding his stomach and blood seeps through the flimsy gown.

Wanda lifts Steve off the floor and on the bed and Tony reinserts the IV, Wanda lifts up the gown and covers him before she could see him, but Tony did. Her magic releases from her fingers and dances through the air in a beautiful way then seeps into the skin. The skin knits itself together until it is no more than a scar where the suture used to be.

"Hey, can you do that to me as well? Maybe Tony too" I ask hopefully.

The same way it healed Steve, our wounds are no more.

Fury comes in and shoots at Bucky, before any of us react Steve had jumped in front of the bullet and pierced his lower back.


It's 11:30 at night and I didn't proof read so sorry for any grammatical mistakes. 

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