4. Surprises and shocks

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Tony POV.

Brightness shines through the blinds causing me to wake up. I take a look at my surroundings before remembering that I didn't fall asleep in my room but rather my living room. The headache from the hangover comes soon after so I leave to the kitchen there I see Thor cleaning up the mess that is my floor while Sam is making breakfast.

"Let dum-e help Thor," I say while getting some maple pop tarts and a cup of coffee."But hey, any news on the Stebe?"

"Stark, the Captain is on life support and his body reacted badly to the drugs they gave him. They suspect some tampering because this morning Steve woken up and nearly killed 3 murses and 1 doctor." Sam explained

"Ah, was there anyone else in Steve's room other than us?" I ask

"Yeah, two actually. One of them was Nick Fury although he denies it and someone named Sharon." Sam was briefly describing the situation that Tony did not like. It was more of a gut feeling that was telling him not to trust them.

"Sharon?" I inquire

"Carter, niece to Peggy and is agent 13 of Shield. She and cap flirted for a few years but nothing happened between them, they're not even friends more like cold strangers." He shuddered at the memory of those two fighting.

I eat the pop tart is silence as dum-e came in and hugged Thor since I gave him a human like mind and body. I look down and I see the red and black knife and I look at my wrists that are scarred with long and deep cuts. Steve would be disappointed. Steve.

Oh god, I think as I start pacing back and forth in a weak attempt to calm down my restless muscles.

"Tones, are you ok?" Thor asks but I don't hear him since my heart is pounding loud in my ears and my quick, uneven breathing. Calm down, you're ok everyone is ok and no one is hurt, a voice said that but it was like Steve's voice. That soothed me and I can almost feel Steve's arms around me and his hot breath on my neck like he did so many times before this.

I look up at Sam who is sipping on an ice coffee and a bottle of maple syrup(I actually did this and I don't regret it) and I open my mouth to respond but the sound of a window breaking interrupted me.

I look at the window and a grey and red knife hurls my way so I duck and call my suit. I hear a sound of pained groaning and I see Sam with a knife in his calf and another in his shoulder. Thor and the mystery guy tumble around until Thor catches my eye and thows him- THROWS him toward me where I blast my repulsor and his stomach. The guy gets up so I smack him across the head and he's out cold. I turn my attention to Sam who passed out and I examine the knives, it's like Steve's.

I rip out the knives and blood seeps out so I apply pressure to stop the bleeding, once i'm certain the blood slowed down I freeze it to numb the pain and stop the bleeding. "Friday read vitals"

"Vital signs found" The ai responded back.

I get Thor to bring him down to medical bay and call Bruce to stitch up Sam. In the meantime Thor once again carries a human, me and the guy shouched over each shoulder to the interrogation room.

There we attach hand-cuffs to the guy but to be on the safe side we put an electrical vest on him and chain him to the chair that's attached to the floor. I felt really bad, like words cannot express who guilty I feel for this but once I take a closer look at him I realize it's Steve's partner during his time with hydra.

Winter Soldier.


I introduced Bucky! Are ya'll proud of me? But not as smoothly as I wanted it to be. Also this is really short but I hope that you guys enjoys this as much as I enjoy writing it.

Again sorry for my bad writing but I think I'm getting better from writing on here.

Good day.

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