2. Relief and Anxiety

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Warning: mention of suicide, self-harming and language

Tony POV.

I tell Jarvis to call the local hospital to alert them that we are coming with an alcohol poisoned super-soldier.  They asked many questions and more than half I couldn't answer simply because I didn't know the answer.

The Hospital

Every goddamn time I think as tears sprung into my eyes while I watch Steve in a bed surrounded by tubes and machines, trying to keep him alive.

It's now 8:35 and no one on the team knows Steve is here, which thank God, or else they would literally kill me.

Why would he do this? I don't get why. Is it because of me? God, I hope not.

"Mr. Stark?" 

I turn to see a nurse accompanied by a doctor standing in the doorway of Steve's room.


"You are here for Steve Rogers?" 

I didn't even answer her because the doctor asked me to follow him which I denied saying I needed to stay with Steve. 

"Mr.Stark, we know how much Rogers means to you but this is about his health and we may need to do to save him."

That got my attention, in a bad way though. I clench my fists and my jaw is clenched and I was about to snap until the Avengers came rushing in all with scowls and murderous looks in their eyes.

Time to go

I get up from the chair next to Steve's bed and walk over to the hospital people, supposed to as Natasha pushed me down again and started yelling at me to which the hospital people leave.

"NO! Comeback! I'll follow you" I yell after them but they already left, leaving me to the wrath of the very pissed off Avengers.

I look at the team and the look they gave me told me I needed to give an answer. To which I give a confused look.

Natasha sighs loudly and repeated what she had said.

"Tony, we are all worried about Steve but why didn't you tell us earlier? Are we not trustworthy enough for you?"

Again I couldn't answer because right when I opened my mouth Natasha looked like she was about to kill me.

"NO! Shut your godamn mouth right now! You don't deserve our trust! Not now, not ever!" Natasha practically sounded like a vulture or something with all that screeching.

"Look Natasha! All the birds flew away because they mistook you for a dying BARN OWL" I snarl while looking at her dead in the eyes.

"You BITCH!" She came fast and her finger pointing at me, I swear I though I was going to die right then and there if it weren't for Thor holding her back.

"Calm down Lady Natalia, Im sure Stark did not mean to anger us. However if it were his intention or not he still angered us but it shall be forgiven if he gets us Poptarts." 

Thor looked at me and I sighed and fished my credit card from my pocket and threw at him. He made a sound that no one expected to come from him and left vowing to return it. Scott Lang follows him saying he needed to buy soccer cletes for Cassie.

The second the pair left Clint seethed with anger and his fists were clenched with blood dripping from where his nails dug into his palms, I never saw him like this and it terrified me.

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