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3rd pov

Ironman busted into the building and took out the remaining civilians trapped in the building while Natasha rushed the people on the ground to evac the area. People were dropping dead left and right courtesy of the hydra agents. There were a couple of helicarriers in the air and Tony knew that Project: Insight was active again and would potentially kill millions if they didn't get their act together.

"Anyone got eyes on Rogers?" 

"Negative" came a reply from the coms

When some Hydra agents dropped dead, two more took its place and seemed stronger than the last. But the Avengers prevailed and once Hydra thinned out, another group of six took its place. Dressed in the Winter Soldier's gear, and have more holsters than anyone could count, marched through the large crowd and killing anyone who came in their way. Their leader, well, you could guess who.

When Bucky saw the newcomers, despair grew in his stomach. These were the new generation of super soldiers, and led by Captain Hydra knew he wouldn't come out of this alive. The Captain turned to his team and spoke in Russian saying "I'm going up to the carriers, you guys stay down here"

Bucky turned to his coms "Sam, Tony, and I are going to the carriers to take them down, we each have a computer piece and we need all three, got it?"

Sam groans " I barely got out last time, you expect me to do this again?"

Natasha spoke up "Shut the hell up, we need Steve again"

Bucky started running towards the edge of the building he was on and jumped off "Stark! A ride?"

Just in time Stark barged through and caught him and brought him up to his assigned carrier then flew off. Unlike last time, there were no shield agents but full of Hydra agents(as expected) and started shooting at him immediately. Rolling between crates, he skillfully hid and started shooting at those who were shooting at him. 

Bucky POV

"Carter locked" came Sam's voice in the coms

"Stark, report," I say while shooting at people

"Getting shot at in the sky, oh look I just got in" few minutes go by and Tony said "Jonas is rock and rolled" I roll my eyes and got into the fishbowl for the final carrier only then to be stopped.

Being in the carrier is horrid, gives me more flashbacks from my time with Hydra. My palms grow sweaty and my breathing has picked up a notch, but I still press through, and eventually, I make it to the fishbowl. My anxiety skyrockets when I see a figure in red and black with a shield, identical to the one I have. "A lot of people are going to die, Steve"

The blank look he gives me confirms what I dread, so I plead "Please, you're my friend, I can't do this to you. Not again."

The little shit threw his shield at me, which begs the question: Another shield?




(swap the roles of Bucky and Steve)

Instead of like 2014, when I fell, Captain Hydra fell with me too. Falling in the air, we were struggling to get the upper hand and essentially fighting in the air until I knee him in the crotch and whack him with my metal arm a few times, effectively knocking him out. 

We hit the water, and once again I haul the Captain's ass out of the water and I was about to call for medical when a dart hit my neck and injected something into me. I had a few more seconds to call for help until I topple over into the darkness.

Captain Hydra POV

This guy, the Winter Soldier, just gave up on me? 


The look in his eyes told me that this isn't the first time this happened, like before. Kinda like I knew the pain of the brainwashing, but since he broke free, I'm supposed to kill him. So I did, or I think. Until I passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.

3rd pov

The rest of the Winter Soldiers arrive at where their leader is and find injured and unconscious, along with the former asset. So they brought him into the quinjet and left the asset to die. The Captain stirred enough to slur "Hawkeye's kids" and that was enough to know what to do next. 

With the information, they set off the farm. 

Laura Barton

Status: Alive

Kids: Lila Barton, eldest. Cooper Barton, middle child. Nathaniel Pietro Barton, youngest. Status, alive.

"Taking a detour"

3rd pov

After the fight

Exhausted, the Avengers went back and saw that their base was bombed so they went to Clint's house and it was deserted. You wouldn't look twice if you were a neighbor, but to Clint, the stillness was the answer to him.

Clint ran into the house, desperate that at least someone would be there, but after a frantic search around the house, Clint slumped to the ground. Drawing heaving breaths, he willed himself to calm down and not think of those thoughts, the ones where it told him he was a failure.

After what felt like an eternity, Natasha left the group to find Clint who was beating the shit out of hay bales. Clint addressed Natasha only after his knuckles started bleeding,

"How can I keep doing this if shit like this keeps happening?"

Natasha thought if over for a moment, but kept quiet when she saw that Clint wanted to keep talking.

"I've been fortunate enough that my family wouldn't be threatened throughout all these years. And I kept telling myself that one day this will happen, but it never did so I let my guard down"

Clint started crying for a few minutes while Natasha comforted him, running her hands through his hair while he was sobbing. Like a coin was flipped, Clint was suddenly angry, furious.

"And you want to know what makes it worse?"

"Clint, you're mad, I get it." Natasha murmured

"You don't! You don't have kids! It's not possible for you to get pregnant or to have kids! You'll never know the struggle of finding out that your kids are gone!" Clint was shouting and then in a softer tone, he adds."Rogers did this, he DID this! Innocent kids are too far, even for the lowest of crooks. That proves how much we've been blind to this"

Natasha nods "I kinda knew the signs but I decided to ignore it, after all, it was Barnes that shot me, not Rogers. Besides, Tony knew as well, so how about we go kick his ass?"

Clint looked at Natasha with sad eyes then looked down at his bloody knuckles for a few minutes then whispered "Please, no"

"Well you're coming with me anyway, so don't argue with me and get up" When Clint shook his head, Natasha smirked then picked him up, and refused to put him down.

During this time, Tony was with Bucky and Wanda and keeping watch over them while they're in their hospital beds and breathing steadily.

"Why, why can't we be together? Settle down, marry, have a kid or two, and grow old together? I-I should've protected you better, it's my fault you're Captain Hydra. How can I be a good lover if I let you get captured?"

A raspy voice came from Tony's left, "You know, you should really be careful of what you say"

"Wanda, how're feeling?"

"Well enough, can I leave now?" 

"no, you have a severe concussion and it could affect your abilities," Tony said, then added "just to be safe"

Wanda nodded, "I'm tired, can I sleep now?"

Tony chuckled "What's stopping you, honey?"

Then Wanda closed her eyes, awaiting the darkness to drag her under.

Updates will be more often, I promise

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