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 Sam pov.

I never really thought as Steve as the 'gay' type but seeing him here with Tony is adorable. So when I woke up from my sleep and saw Tony and Steve's arms I knew things would be okay from now on. Not to jinx or anything.

"Jarvis, please record this and send it to the avengers," 

"Yes sir, recording now

I sigh  "The captain is awake and fine, as of right now he is resting with Tony in his bed. So I ask of you not to see him until he requests your presence."

I watch Steve and Tony peacefully sleeping with small grins on their faces, it's heartwarming. Their steady breaths are almost in perfect sync and Steve's color is back to normal. It's perfect.

"Dr. Banner wishes to connect and talk to you via face chat" Jarvis informed.

I nod and the tv comes to life with the very tired look Bruce.

"Alright I know you have questions so let me hear them" I groan internally because Bruce asks SO MANY questions, it's goes on forever.

"How is he?" he asks

"That is not my place to tell you" I say

"You mentioned that Steve is resting with Tony, can I see?"

I think for a moment until I take a step back to show Tony in Steve's arms, sleeping.

"That is cute" He finally says after a few moments of silence.

"Right!" I exclaimed before hearing something outside, it sounded like rustling. "Whats the status on the visitor?" 

"Right I was meant to tell you that Natasha's post drawed unwanted attention from government and this guy claims that he's Steve's friend and demands to see him. He gets hostile but he's holding something back and we can't figure it out because Nat can't read him" As he was explaining a pit grew in my stomach filled with dread.

"And we came into his room today to feed him but he was gone! We suspect knives because this is the Winter Soldier!"

"OH SHIT!" I yell.

A groan comes from the bed and I see Steve staring back at me with a glare that says 'wake him up and they'll never find you'.  I was about to apologize until the window gave out and smashed. And standing in the now broken window is a person with a metal arm with black combat gear with a lot of scary knives.

Steve jumped out of bed and ripped off the IV's that supplied pain medication, Stark was still out like a light. 

We stare at the newcomer then he says "Steve?" 

"Yeah, and who are you?" He says carefully and even.

"I'm your partner, remember the 'deadly duo'?"

I stare at Steve in shock. He's partners with this guy?!

"Yeah I do actually" Steve's voice is cold

"Well Hydra wants you back, because who wouldn't want to go with their best friend?" The newcomer takes off his mask and what Steve sees sends him too his knees. In a shot we are both there to help Steve in whatever way we can.

Steve is saying things in Russian I think while holding his head in pain. At some point he gets up and hugs the stranger and says something in his ear.

"I missed you"

Alright part 7 of this story that no one reads but I'm still writing it for some reason.

Also I found really awesome captain Hydra edits that I think you guys will enjoy.

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