Welcome Back (part 1)

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Bettys POV: the day started like any other. I woke up and got a call from my manger, honestly I never thought I would being doing modeling but here I am. She tells me I have a shoot in an hour so I need to get ready. Of course I already knew that. I get ready, grab my things and leave my lonely looking house. It's not supposed to be this way, I'm supposed to be having kids right now with the love of my life but I'm not so instead I'm here living in a lonely, sad house by myself
**at the photo shoot
Photographer: yes Elizabeth these are great

 It's not supposed to be this way, I'm supposed to be having kids right now with the love of my life but I'm not so instead I'm here living in a lonely, sad house by myself**at the photo shoot Photographer: yes Elizabeth these are great

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Manager: Betty can you come here? It's really important
Betty: yeah *walks over to her*
What's up?
Manager: it's your mom, something terrible happened and she's in the hospital I just got the call. They don't know if she is gonna make it
***bettys POV again
And just like that my whole body ,everything in me pushed me out the doors and into a car. This was it I'm going back to Riverdale


Jughead: that's why writing is so important cause it opens*gets a phone call* hold that thought *answer the phone* Jughead: hello?Veronica: Jughead it's your dad

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Jughead: that's why writing is so important cause it opens*gets a phone call* hold that thought
*answer the phone*
Jughead: hello?
Veronica: Jughead it's your dad. You need to get to Riverdale quick i don't know what happened but there was a big explosion and lots of people got hurt
Jughead: Veronica slow down. Is my dad okay?
Veronica*starts to cry* Jughead I don't know but everyone in Riverdale is hurt I don't know what happened but you need to come
Jughead: okay I'm on my way
**jughead leaves to Riverdale*

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