Welcome Home (part 22)

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**back at their house
Jughead: Betts are you sure about tomorrow?
Betty: Jug I just want this over with, the sooner the better
Jughead: okay
Betty: can we cuddle? I cold and I need cuddles
Jughead: Betts of course*opens his arms* come here

**back at their house Jughead: Betts are you sure about tomorrow?  Betty: Jug I just want this over with, the sooner the better Jughead: okay Betty: can we cuddle? I cold and I need cuddlesJughead: Betts of course*opens his arms* come here

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Jughead*kisses her head* your gonna be okay Betts I promise and that's one I can keep
Betty*looks at him* pinky promise
Jughead: yeah pinky promise
*they fall asleep cuddling*

**next morning
Betty: Jug get up we need to get ready*shakes him* Hello Jug?
Jughead* groggy* I'm awake betts
Betty: come on I put out your clothes out in the bathroom
Jughead: Betts what's the rush, it's like 8am
Betty: we have to be there early
Jughead: okay I will get dressed*gets up*
Betty*sighs and sits on bed*
Jughead: what's wrong?
Betty: Jug what if I lose it? If I can't be in control of my emotions then how I can be a good mom?
Jughead: Betts don't, your gonna be okay. We will get through this together
Betty: Jug, are you sure?
Jughead: I promise, your gonna be okay and I can keep this one. Your gonna be the best mom
Betty*leans in*go get dressed*pulls away*
Jughead: how dare you trick me, I'm going betts*kisses her head softly*
**they get ready

 Your gonna be the best mom Betty*leans in*go get dressed*pulls away*Jughead: how dare you trick me, I'm going betts*kisses her head softly* **they get ready

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Betty: you look Jug
Jughead: I always do
Betty: come on dork
Jughead: you don't look bad yourself
Betty: damn right*kisses him*

**at the funeral
Jughead: we are here to mourn Alice Smith Cooper. She was a great mother, and brought life to our town of Riverdale. Her death was much unexpected but she will live forever in us, in this wicked little town. One day her grandkids will remember and how she tried changed Riverdale for the better
*everyone claps*
Jughead: now to speak is Betty cooper her daughter
*betty walks to the front
Betty: umm hi, so I guess I will speak now. My mom was loving, caring, but above all else she always supported me. 5 years ago I left for certain reasons, not knowing what I was gonna do. I missed my chance for college but then a model agency contacted my mom about me. She decided to do everything possible for me to get away from this town. She wanted more for me and that's what I got. I built a career cause of her, she always had faith in me even when I didn't, even though I didn't spend her last moments with her. I know she would be happy for me. I love you mom
*jughead and Veronica claps and then everyone else does*

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