Welcome Back(part 3)

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**later after they have seen their parents 

Betty: so what now? 

Jughead: let me take you to Pops and i will explain. We can just talk it out 

Betty: Jug i don't know, maybe we should stay here

Jughead: we cant do anything and they will call us with updates. Please Betts?

Betty*reluctantly*: fine 

**they leaves and go to pops 

Betty: so are we gonna talk or not?

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Betty: so are we gonna talk or not?

Jughead: sure

Betty: Jughead, why did you leave me? literally you left me by myself why? i thought you loved me 

Jughead: Betts i didn't wanna leave you but i couldn't keep dragging you down 

Betty: Dragging me down? really if that's your excuse then i'm leaving

Jughead: Betty wait please don't leave

Betty: then tell me the truth, the damage is already done. You already took off once so at least tell me why

Jughead: You deserved better 

Betty: THATS BULLSHIT. You were the best thing for me. If you didn't see that then its on you but i will not sit here and listen to you make up lame ass excuse *starts to walk away

Jughead: betts wait, i-i oh fuck it. I LOVE YOU 

*betty stops and turns around

Jughead: i know i made a mistake and i should have never left but i love you . I never ever stopped and i don't think i ever will. I know you hate me cause the truth is i was young and stupid and thought i didn't deserve you. i was blind and didn't notice what i had until i lost it

Betty: jug i don't hate you but how can i trust you. What if the next time things get scary you leave. I've wroked so hard to move past and build a life for myself but i can't let you be apart of it if i can't trust you. And no i can't trust you 

*walks out of pops crying  

Jughead: shit i have to go after her 

*runs behind her 

Welcome Back Where stories live. Discover now