Welcome Back(part 12)

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Betty's POV: we are walking downtown when i realize where we are going. I stop in my tracks and stand there 

Jughead: Betts are you okay?

Betty: it was my dad 

Jughead: Betty what are you talking about?

Betty: my dad isn't dead, he alive and it's his fault. The explosions were all him, my mom died cause of him 

Jughead: Betty why didn't you tell me sooner?

Betty: Jug i'm sorry i should have but we need to go to town hall right now

Jughead: why? 

Betty: i have a gut feeling

Jughead: then let's go

** they run to town hall

Jughead: Betts stay here i will go see if i can find the boom

Betty: What no? jug i can't lose you too

Jughead: Betty Cooper you will never ever lose me. I love you so much but i can't risk you getting hurt 

Betty: Jug please

Jughead: Betty i'm not gonna leave you, i'm gonna be right back 

**jughead runs in and at the same time BOOM

Betty: JUG *runs over* please no 

*sees him 

Betty's POV: I see him and i run over to him. i check his pulse. I'm shaking so much and i pull out my phone i call Veronica. I tell her what happened and within in minutes there is a ambulance 

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