Welcome Back (part 10)

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Jughead's POV: About an hour later i finally leave the bunker. Me back to the hospital and Betty to her old house. I sent Veronica and Kevin with her, i think she needs them. I walk directly over to the nurse counter. I tell her that i'm here to sign Alice Smith death cerficate. I can't believe what words just came out of me

Nurse: and who would you be?

Jughead: i'm Betty Coopers fiancee and FP Jones son

Nurse: okay i need you to sign here an here. i'm sorry for your loss

Jughead's POV: i quickly scribble my name and then i grab the papers. She tells me something but i didn't hear, i just walk away 


Betty's POV: i walk up to the door of my childhood home. It doesn't look one bit different. i unlock the door and my heart pluments. i don't know what i was thinking but i didn't think it would feel so, so empty. Just then i hear a noise in the basement, i race down there. I pull the light string to find my dad. He looks like a deer in the head lights and i think i might  pass out . 

Veronica: B is everything okay 

Betty: yeah 

Betty's POV: it's mos defintly not. He died years ago, i rub my eyes. I look again and there he is, just standing there calmly now

Betty*whispers* what the hell? how are you here?

Hal: I told you that i wouldn't stop till every sinner was gone from Riverdale

Betty*getting angry* So you killed mom

Hal: i didn't mean to kill her. She just tried to stop me

Betty* now yelling* you took everything from me. Polly and now mom, your a monster who deserves to burn in hell

Hal: Elizabeth, that's no way to talk to your father 

Betty: GO TO HELL 

* veronica comes down stairs

Veronica: HOLY SHIT 

Hal: oh Veronica such a pleasure to see you. Hows your dad?

Veronica: Betty come here 

* Betty walks over to her and veronica hugs her

Veronica: you are the reason for those explosions aren't you?

Hal: smart girl


* veronica reaches in her pocket and pulls out a gun

Betty: oh my god V 

Veronica: i'm so sorry B 

*shots Hal in the stomach 

Betty: it's okay *walks over to him* he deserves it 

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