Welcome Back (part 23)

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**a few months later
Jughead: Betty you make my world brighter, damn you make everyone's life brighter. You belong with me, you always have. Most people's mistakes are simple, non-life ruining but mine was life altering. Almost 6 years ago now I left Riverdale, to I don't know get away or maybe run from the truth. I left for you Betty. I didn't wanna leave and I hurt everyday for 5 years, when we came back to Riverdale I saw you and it felt like the first time I feel for you. This may sounds crazy but I don't regret it. I love you so much and we were apart for 5 years but we found our way back. We're soulmates Betts I know so

Betty*tears up* I don't know how to top that. Umm okay, Jug*squeezes his hand* For 5 whole years I thought about happiness and how hurt I was, I lived in the wreckage. I got so clouded with hate and a bit of guilt. I thought maybe it was my fault so I through myself into work. I thought it would fix it but it just made a bigger gaping hole. I felt broken until the day I saw you, the moment I saw you getting off your motorcycle I realized I love you. I knew deep down I didn't stop but I wanted so badly to you hate and that masked it. I'm so happy I get to share my life with my soulmate, your the only one of me. Your my best friend, my cheerleader, my one true love. I couldn't imagine my world without you at all
Preacher: do you Forsythe Pendleton Jones take Elizabeth Cooper to be your waffly wedded wife?
Jughead: I sure do
Preacher: Do you Elizabeth Cooper take Forsythe Pendleton Jones to be your husband?
Betty: I do
Preacher: I now pronounce you husband and wife. Son you may kiss the bride
*Jughead pulls Betty close and kisses her passionately*
**they dance for hours until Betty gets tired*
Betty: Jug I'm so tired, can we go home?
Jughead: honestly thought you would never ask*picks her up and carry's her away*
Veronica: B where are you going?
Jughead*Betty asleep in his arms* Betts is tired. Can you take it from here?
Veronica: yes go, I got it
Jughead*runs his hand up and down her shoulder* thanks Veronica 
Veronica: Hey Jughead*grabs his arm*
Jughead: what's wrong?
Veronica: I'm so happy you came back and your vows were beautiful
Jughead: thanks Veronica

**Jughead gets home with Betty in his arms*
Jughead*whispers to her* Betts your gonna be an awesome mom, you know? Your awesome and I love you so much. We are gonna have a little family in a few short months. I can't believe I get to have a life with Betty freaking Cooper, actually Betty Cooper Jones*carries her upstairs, gets her dressed and puts her in bed*

Jughead's POV: once I have Betty in pjs and in bed, I sit in the edge and look at her. God she is breathtaking, then a wave of shame rolls over me. She's beautiful but it's my fault she got raped. How could I leave her? How could I let that happen?

Betty: Jug??
Jughead: oh hey betts
Betty: what time is it? Why are you not in bed?
Jughead: I was just looking at you
Betty*sits up* Jug that's creepy, maybe I should have said no*giggles*
Jughead: it's not creepy, it's romantic*kisses her*
Betty: nope creepy, now come here and cuddle me
Jughead: your wish is my command
*Jug gets in bed and cuddles Betty till they both fall asleep*

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