Welcome Back( part 14)

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Betty's POV: what did she mean he said he was my fiancée, was he gonna ask me? Then it all clicked, that's why he left
Betty: is he gonna be okay?
Nurse: The doctors are very hopeful, he got here in just the nic of time
Betty: thank god. Can I see him?
Nurse: I wanna warn you. He's a breathing machine and he has burns on his lower stomach. Also scratches across face
Betty: breathing machine? He can't breathe on his own
Nurse: not yet but maybe if you see him and talk to him, it will make him fight harder
Betty: I wanna see him
Nurse: well come on
*the nurse takes her to jugheads room
Betty*gasp* oh jug *runs to him
Nurse: I will leave you alone
Betty: Jug you have to pull through. I'm so so sorry, I love you. Jug whatever fight you have you have to use it now. You still have a family waiting for you, you have friends, you have me. Please Juggy. You can't leave JB with no brother, FP with no son, me with no soulmate*starts to cry*

*jughead reaches out his hand*
Betty: Juggy
Jughead: Be-tts
Betty: I will be right back
*runs to get a nurse*
Betty: I need a doctor
Nurse: is something wrong
Betty: he is awake and is trying to talk
Nurse: oh my miracle! Let's go

Betty's POV: I was so fucking happy that Jug woke up but there's gonna be so many problems. He is gonna have to be in the hospital for a long time or at least at home care. I wonder what the nurse meant by miracle.
Betty: V, Kev he's awake come on
*they all run back there*
Jughead: he look at the dream team
Doctor: please sir don't try to talk while we are unhooking you
Veronica: I'm happy your okay Jughead
Kevin: yay Bughead!!!!!!
Jughead: that reminds me
Kevin*shrieks* I will grab your jacket
Betty: what's going on?
Veronica: B just wait
Kevin: Here Jughead *hands him the jacket
Jughead*pulls out the box*
Betty: Oh my god Jug
Jughead: Betty Cooper, the worst mistake I made was leaving you and I will never ever do that again. If you will do something for me. Will you marry me?
Betty: Yes Jug
Veronica and Kevin: aww
Betty: Jug this ring is beautiful
Veronica: it really is
Betty: Juggy I love you *kisses his cheek and then he gives her a passionate kiss*
*soon after Veronica and Kevin leaves, Betty climbs next to Jughead*

 Will you marry me? Betty: Yes Jug Veronica and Kevin: awwBetty: Jug this ring is beautiful Veronica: it really isBetty: Juggy I love you *kisses his cheek and then he gives her a passionate kiss* *soon after Veronica and Kevin leaves, Betty climb...

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Jughead*kisses the top of her head* I will never leave you again

FYI😁This is not the end!!!!

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