Welcome Back (part 25)

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**in her hospital room
Jughead*rubs her arm* Betts wake up
Betty*sleepily* Juggie
Jughead: I need to tell you something
Betty: is something wrong with the babies?
Jughead: well not exactly, it's that they are weird positioned and they have to a C-section
Betty*upset* what? No
Jughead: we have too, you could get super hurt if they don't
Betty: Jug no one in my family has ever had to get a C-section Jug I can't*starts to cry*
Jughead: Betty please don't cry, we can't risk your safety. The babies need a mother and I'm not gonna let you get hurt. We're doing a C-section
Betty: Jug I can't have a C-section, I just can't
Jughead*getting upset/angry: Betty this isn't a debate, your getting a C-section. I don't care if no one in your family has had one. I'm not risking your life so deal with it. I mean you can't be serious, you rather die then have a fucking surgery*now yelling* that's bullshit, it's not happening. I'm not gonna let it*starts storm off
Betty: Jug I'm really-
Jughead: yeah I will be right back
*Jughead leaves the room*

Betty's POV: I watch him leave the room angry and my heart sinks, I should just agree. I get up and a sharp pain come through me but I have to go find him. I wobble out the door and into the hallway making sure no one is coming and I hear a noise. Turning my head the opposite direction and see Jug throw himself against the vending machine, crying. I made him cry and I run to him, sorta

Betty: JUG
Jughead: Oh my god Betty you shouldn't be up without anyone with you, how did you get past Veronica?
Betty: she's asleep but yes, it's okay
Jughead: Betts what?
Betty: The C-section I will do it
Jughead: Betts are you sure?
Betty: yes, I saw how upset you were and I couldn't do that too you
Jughead: I was only upset cause the thought of losing you is dreadful
Betty: I love you*kisses him*lets go have a baby
Jughead: Hell yeah

Jughead's POV: I go find the doctor while Betty wakes up Veronica and then an hour later I see my 2 beautiful baby girls. I look at then and fall apart. They fix up the babies and Betty. I held Bettys hand the whole time, even after

**back in the hospital room
Veronica: B what are you gonna name them?
Betty*looks at Jughead* Juliet and
Jughead: Alice
Veronica: Aww I love those names! What about middle names?
Betty: Rose and Veronica *grabs her hand*
Veronica: B really?*happy tearing up*
Betty:yeah V
Jughead: Veronica you've helped us so much and Betty couldn't ask for a better friend
Veronica: I can't cry, my makeup is gonna run
Betty: girl I look tragic it's fine
Jughead: no you look beautiful*kisses her and she kisses him back*
Veronica: that's my cue to leave
Betty: Bye V
Veronica: Bye B

**back at the house after they are discharged
Betty: Jug are we gonna stay in Riverdale?
Jughead: I mean not forever but till they are a little older I mean I was thinking if you don't
Betty: Jug stop that sounds good, I mean traveling with babies can you say stressful*picks up Juliet* I love her so much
Jughead: yeah they are great*kisses Alices head*

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