Welcome Back(part 15)

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** a few weeks later 

Betty's POV: it was a few weeks later and jug had improved so much. he work with physical trainer on everything. He was finally able to walk on his own and let me tell you it was a miracle. i on the other hand was getting worse. i had been sick for 2 weeks straight 

Jughead: Betts maybe we should go to the doctor 

Betty: Jug i'm sure its fine 

Jughead: you have been sick for 2 weeks straight 

Betty: Juggy i'm sure its fine 

Jughead: Betts could you be pregnant? i mean we did

Betty's POV: and everything i had feared was about to be revealed. What if i was? i wouldn't be a good mother 

Jughead's POV: i looked up and saw Betty's face. No matter how scared i was i had to be strong for her

Jughead: Betty if you are pregnant, don't worry you will be a great mom. i know you will

Betty: Jug what if i'm not 

Jughead: not pregnant or a good mom

Betty: a good mom or pregnant for that matter

Jughead: I will be happy either way and you are gonna make a great mom, i know you will*opens his arms* come here 

* Betty crawls over into jugheads arms and he wraps them around her 

Jughead:  do you want me to go get a test? *kisses her head

Betty: in a little bit, i just wanna stay like this for a while

Jughead: I like that idea

*Betty looks up and smiles

Jughead: Cooper your smiles drive me crazy *kisses her*

Betty: I love you so much

Jughead: me too Betts, me too *kisses her on the head again*

Welcome Back Where stories live. Discover now