Welcome Back(part 16)

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**30 minutes later 

Jughead's POV: We were still sitting in the bathroom floor, Betty now asleep in my arms. Sh looked so peaceful and calm. The more i looked at her, the more i wanted to have a baby with her. I know it would be stressful and hard but i wanted, i wanted the positive. I just watched her and thought about having a family when i got call from Veronica

Jughead*quietly* Whats up Veronica?

Veronica: i want to take B dress shopping, you know like for the weekend in New York. How is she?

Jughead:  why did you call me? she is a little less sick

Veronica: cause i would be taking her away for an entire weekend and y'all have a wedding to plan

Jughead: i think she would really like that and i think she needs it. I just want her to be happy, i love her so much Veronica

Veronica: Jughead trust me i know. I think you never stopped, neither did she. Y'all are endgame after all 

Jughead: Thanks Veronica, i got to go

Veronica: Bye Jughead 

*ends call 

Jughead* kisses betty

Betty*wakes up* Hi Juggy 

Jughead: your so cute 

Betty*leans in for a kiss* your cuter *kisses him*

Jughead: we should go get a test Betts

Betty: yeah we should *starts to get up*

Jughead *stands up and helps her up* Hey Betty it's gonna be okay

Betty: i know*kisses his check 

**they get the test and betty takes it*

Betty: now we wait 3 minutes 

Jughead: i know how we can wait* starts kissing her

Betty: Jug this is why we are in this situation 

Jughead* kisses her anyway* i really love you 

Betty*kisses him back* i love you Jug 

*timer dings*

Betty*inhales* here we go 

Jughead*picks up and smiles then hands it to Betty*

Jughead*picks up and smiles then hands it to Betty*

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Betty: oh my god 

Welcome Back Where stories live. Discover now