Welcome Back(part 9)

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*** back in Riverdale 

Jughead: i have checked everywhere i can think of

Veronica: She's gotta be somewhere. Where the fuck did you even go? you should stayed here 

*Jughead pulls out the ring box

Jughead: to get this 

Kevin: OH MY GOD YES!!!!!! i knew y'all were endgame 

Veronica: OH MY GOD. you were gonna propose?

Jughead: i still am. We have to find her

Kevin: well where would she be? we have checked every where 

Jughead: that's it! i know where she is, come on follow me

Veronica: okay?

* they leave and go to the bunker 

** at the bunker 

Betty: what am i gonna do without her? without jug? i'm all alone 

*hears the door opening  

Betty: what the hell

Jughead: Betty are you here? 

*betty runs over to him and he wraps her in a tight hug

Betty: Jug she's gone and i thought you left me, i love you 

Jughead: Betts i know, i'm sorry 

*she kisses him 

Betty: please don't ever leave me again

Jughead: I won't ever leave Betts

Veronica*yells from the entrance* is she there?

Jughead: she's here Veronica

Betty*sniffles*: why did she have to die? where did you go? why does my life always backfire?

*Jughead wraps his arms around Betty*

Jughead: it's okay, your gonna get through it with me, Veronica, and Kevin by your side

Betty: i don't know if i can, Jug i try to be strong but i don't know if i can anymore

Jughead: just go home. i will sort things out at the hospital and then we can meet at pops okay?

Betty: yeah okay

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