Welcome Back(part 2)

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Jugheads POV: as soon as i ended the call i ran as fast as my legs could take me. i got on my motorcycle and just like that i was back to Riverdale.  In 5 whole years it hadn't changed, not once. the closer i grew to the hospital the more i worried. I had only seen my dad once since i left riverdale and that's when he came to me. I kinda wanted a whole new life but now it feels like i'm back in high school running off to figure out some new mystery. I pull up to the hospital when i see a very familiar face. My heart skips a beat as i see Betty Cooper in the flesh and blood. She runs over to Veronica who is sobbing uncontrollably and I wonder if it was just my dad or everyone in Riverdale cause the amount of cars here is scary. 

Bettys POV: As soon as i got there i ran to V and hugged her. She was crying so much and then i turned around to the sound of a very familiar motorcycle. Jughead Jones, i almost lose my balance when i see him. he looks the same, my heart aches and i think i may weep, despite everything in my body saying no i walk over to him. 

Jughead: Betty Cooper, long time no see

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Jughead: Betty Cooper, long time no see. Shit i'm sorry

Betty: are you sorry, Jughead? 

Jughead: Betty i promise i will answer any question that you have but lets go see how our parents are. i'm assuming your here for your mom?

Betty*tears up* yeah i am 

Jughead: Betts don't cry, shes strong and she will make it. Like mother like daughter now come on lets go

Bettys POV: every part of me wanted me to cry because there is s many emotions right now but when he said Betts  my heart melted away. He's always been one of my biggest fans, cheering me up when i'm down well he was anyway.

** they walk into the hospital and find what looks like hundreds of people in the waiting room**

Betty: Oh my god, there are so many people

Veronica: yeah 

Jughead: is that Kevin?*points Betty's head straight to where Kevin sits crying

Betty: Kev?? come here 

*Kevin looks up and runs over to them. Hugging them all so tightly no one can breath

Betty: Kev what happened? 

Kevin: there as this random explosion and it was like a domino effect. just BOOM, BOOM, BOOM all around town 

Veronica: How does something like that even happen? was it a bomber? 

Kevin: they don't know and right now they are to busy making sure people aren't dying to investigate  

*Veronica looks at Jughead and Betty*

Betty: i could look into after i see my mom 

Jughead: yeah me too, besides me and Betty have some... catching up to do 

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