Welcome Back(part 19)

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**hours later in the waiting room

Nurse: Mr. Jones?

Jughead: That's me. Is she gonna be okay? what about our baby?

Nurse: I'm sorry we did everything we could

Jughead: she cant be dead

Nurse: for the baby's sake they had to put her in a coma. She was unresponsive, that's all we could do

Jughead: Can i see her?

Nurse: Sure you may visit her

** in the room

Jughead: Betts, i'm so sorry. I promise i will everything i can to make our child happy and i will never ever stop loving you *starts to cry*

**a year later

Jughead: Good morning Juliet and Alice

*babies coo at him*

Jughead: Grandpa is coming over today and he is gonna watch you

*FP rings the doorbell

Jughead: That's him

*opens the door

Jughead: thanks dad

FP: Boy just go i got it

Jughead: Thanks

*jughead leaves and goes to the graveyard

Jughead: Hey Betts, i miss you and i just came to tell you all about Juliet and Alice. They are so pretty, my little girls. I love them so much and i know you would too. Sometimes its hard, you know but i know your watching over me and your my soulmate. They say soulmates find there way back, do you think its true? I'm seeing going to visit Reggie later today*laughs* Me visit Reggie i know. He misses V each day, people tell me its gonna get better but i'm not so sure. Anyway i got to go, i will see you Betts

**back at the plane

Veronica: Hey B, we're back

Betty: OMG Veronica *hugs her* We aren't dead

Veronica: Betty are you okay?

Betty: I am now. V i love you so much and by the way your gonna be a great aunt *starts to walk

Veronica: Yeah i am, wait are you pregnant?

Betty*smiles* Yeah i am

Veronica: Oh my god B your gonna be a mom!

**at the airport

Veronica: B look*points over to Jughead holding a sign waiting for them

Betty*runs to him and kisses him* I love you so much

Jughead: Hello to you too

Betty*smiles and kisses him again*

Jughead: Betts not that i mind but why all the kisses, you were only gone for 2 days

Betty: I had this horrific dream, i will have to tell you and V later. I just never wanna lose y'all

Veronica: B you won't

Jughead: Betts i'm your forever


Only a few more parts left in this one, i hope y'all will enjoy

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