Welcome Back(part 21)

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*next morning

*jughead wakes up Betty* Jughead: Good Morning Betts Betty*confused* Good Morning Jug, why are you up so early? Jughead: So I could make ya breakfast*kisses her cheek* Betty: You made breakfast, Jug I love you so muchJughead: I know, now come on d...

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*jughead wakes up Betty*
Jughead: Good Morning Betts
Betty*confused* Good Morning Jug, why are you up so early?
Jughead: So I could make ya breakfast*kisses her cheek*
Betty: You made breakfast, Jug I love you so much
Jughead: I know, now come on downstairs
Betty*lays back* do I have to?
Jughead: Are we playing this game?
Jughead*runs over and picks her up*
Betty*laughs and kisses him*
Jughead: Just remember you asked for this
Betty: What are you gonna do?
Jughead*kisses her*
Betty: I think breakfast can wait

**a few hours later
Jughead*turns to Betty* your so beautiful
Betty*smiles* Jug I'm so happy your back, I mean I was so lonely and *sits up*
Jughead*sits up too* Betts what?
Betty: it's nothing important
Jughead: are you sure?
Betty: I'm not sure you really wanna know
Jughead: Betts tell me*moves closer* I wanna know everything, we are in this together*grabs her hand*
Betty*turns to him* so I'm a model, well at least I was, I mean until this*points at her baby bump* but when I was starting out, I was upset and vulnerable
Jughead: Betts no don't say it
Betty: Jug I need too, one of the male models took me back to his hotel and I couldn't do anything. I tried Jug*cries* I'm so sorry
Jughead: Betty I'm so sorry I left you it's my fault*hugs her*
Betty: Jug it wasn't your fault
Jughead: Yeah it was, nothing will ever happen to you again
Betty: I love you Jug*kisses him*
*their phones start ringing*
Betty: it's V, wait shit we are supposed to meet V and that funeral planner
Jughead: Let's go Betts
*they get dressed and leave
**at Veronicas
Betty: V I'm so sorry we are late
Veronica: B it's okay, this is Deanna
Deanna: So I have some plans for your mother, take a look
Jughead*whispers to betty* are you sure you want to do this?
Betty: yeah let's go
**later at night
Betty: V thanks
Veronica: B are you still sure about tomorrow? That's kinda early don't you think
Betty: I just want it over with
Jughead*puts his hand on her back* Betts we should probably head home now
Betty: Yeah Jug, V love you and see you tomorrow
Veronica: B love you

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