Welcome Back(part 24)

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**the next morning
Betty*wakes up and breathes heavily*
Jughead*wakes up* Betts are you okay?
Betty*looks over and starts crying* Jug
Jughead: Betts what's wrong*moves closer*
Betty*cries harder and cuddles next to Jughead*
Jughead*rubs her back* it's okay Betts, it's okay
**a few hours later*
*on the couch

**the next morning Betty*wakes up and breathes heavily* Jughead*wakes up* Betts are you okay?Betty*looks over and starts crying* JugJughead: Betts what's wrong*moves closer*Betty*cries harder and cuddles next to Jughead* Jughead*rubs her back* it'...

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Jughead: Betts what happened this morning?
Betty: the same dream, I can't unsee it Jug
Jughead: Betts I won't let that happen, I promise. Do you believe me?
Betty*swallows hard*
Jughead:Betts do you believe me?
Betty*nods* yeah I do Jug
Jughead: Betts can you believe were gonna be parents in a few weeks?
Betty: yeah Jug, it's kinda scary
Jughead: But we're gonna get through it*grabs her hand* together
Betty: yeah Jug, I love you
Jughead: Love you more

**2 weeks later
Betty: when are you gonna be back?
Jughead: Betts I will be back by tomorrow morning, I just going to get the stuff out of my apartment
Betty: why can't I come?
Jughead: Betty your 9 months pregnant, your not packing boxes I got it
Betty: I'm gonna miss you
Jughead: I will only be a phone call away and your gonna be with V anyway
Betty: I know*kisses him* I love you
Jughead: I love you too Betts I'm gonna miss you
Betty: see you tomorrow
Jughead: see you Betts, I promise I will be back by tonight
Betty: Jug you don't need to drive when you should be sleeping
Jughead: how am I gonna sleep with you and *puts hand on her bump* our lovely growing children
Betty: Please if it's late don't come home, you need sleep. Be careful please
Jughead: I promise*kisses her one more time* love you so much
Betty: bye Juggie

**at Veronicas house
Betty: V I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick
Veronica: okay B
*Betty walks in and fall down in pain*
Veronica*hears noises* B you okay?
Betty*screams in pain*
Veronica*runs to the restroom* B UNLOCK THE DOOR*lock turns*
Betty: V call Jug
Veronica: We are going to the hospital
Betty: it's just contractions
Veronica: Where's your hospital bag?
Betty: At the house
Veronica: Damn it okay, lets go to the house and then hospital. Can you make it?
Betty: yeah the bag is by the door
Veronica: okay lets go

**at Bettys house
*Veronica on the phone with Jughead
Jughead: Veronica?
Veronica: where the hell is B's hospital bag?
Jughead: Veronica what's wrong?
Veronica: She's having the baby, and I need to get bag
Jughead: I think it's upstairs, we moved it. I'm on my way. Seriously I will be there in 30 minutes
Veronica*stops for a minute* aren't you in like 2 hours away
Jughead: I'm gonna fucking speed, I'm not missing my babies being born
Veronica: okay found it! We are on our way
Jughead: I'm legit starting the car, can you put Betts on?
Veronica*gets in the car* yeah*hands phone to Betty*
Jughead: Betts
Betty*breathing heavy* Jug are you coming?
Jughead: I'm like 20 minutes away
Betty: Jug? Are you speeding? You could get hurt
Jughead: Yes I am, I'm gonna be there with you
Veronica: come on B
Jughead: are y'all here?
Betty: yeah
Jughead: I just got into Riverdale
Betty: how the hell?
Jughead: see you in 5 minutes

**in the hospital
Veronica: we need a doctor, she's having a baby
Nurse: here follow me
Veronica: come on B
*they put Betty on a bed and roll her to a room
Jughead*enters the hospital* BETTS
Veronica*runs out of the room*Jughead come here
*Jughead follows Veronica* 
Betty: Jug
Jughead*runs over to her bed* Betts I'm so happy I made it
Betty*sits up* Jug what if you got hurt?
Jughead: I'm here now, that's all that matters
**the next day
Doctor: Betty Cooper Jones?
Jughead: That's us
Doctor: is she asleep?
Jughead: finally, what's the news?
Doctor: we are gonna have to do C-section, the babies are at a very dangerous position. She could face a lot of casualties
Jughead: okay I will tell her
Doctor: have her ready in 30 minutes

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