Future Chapter 5: Mid-December 2024

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The team was having a solid homestand. One full week of home games. This meant that sometimes I'd have Jamie after training in the afternoon, and other times I'd have him just for the morning. I would occasionally get frustrated that I couldn't have him to myself all of the time but I knew that he needed his rest and was also well aware of the work that still needed to be done. Bye week couldn't come soon enough.

One morning while we were home, I was sitting on the couch on my phone while he was playing video games. "Hey, babe, I'm getting antsy about the baby's room. Would you mind putting together just the dresser some time this week? Pleeeease? If I could at least get his clothes organized that would mean a lot"

He looked over at me for a quick second before looking at his game again, "yeah, I'll see if I can get it done today."

"Thank you! I'm gonna take a nap." I got up, kissed him on the head, and went to the room to put all the clothes in one place to make it easier when he was done. I was a little worried he would forget but decided to trust him anyway. The anxiety I felt made it hard to sleep but eventually, I did.

When I woke up, Jamie was asleep behind me with his hand on my stomach. Having him behind me made me feel secure. As hard as it was for me to sleep, it was even harder when he was gone. When Jamie moved his hand, I knew he had woken up. I placed mine on top of his. "Hey kid" he said in a sleepy voice.

"Mmmm..." I said in response. "I would turn around but I've got a bowling ball attached to my body."

"I'll move back so you can roll." He scooted back and pulled me by the hips to turn me around.

"Hey there handsome." He placed a kiss near my mouth and Eskimo'd me. We stayed in bed for a minute like that before he got up to get ready for the game. As he was getting out of the shower I swung my legs around and sat on the bed, watching him. "Was the dresser hard to put together?" Silence. "J?" Still nothing. I got up and caught him doing his hair in the mirror. "Jamie? The dresser?"

He looked at me. "Sorry babe."

"Are you serious? Jamie!"

"D, chill. I'll make sure it gets done. It just won't be done today."

I marched off to the kitchen and started rage cleaning and putting the dishes away. "Uuuuuugggggggggh!!! I might kill you. Tell your coach tonight is your last game I swear to God!" The next thing I heard was his pump up pre-game music turned up loud. "Jamieson!!!!" I knew I was being unreasonable and this was probably the pregnancy but I couldn't help but rage. I felt tears coming to my eyes and felt like I wanted to rip his head off. I opened the fridge and started throwing away the things I've been sick of looking at. When I closed the door and stood up, he was in front of me in a suit and tie and jacket over his arm. My god, he smelled so good.

I tied and plopped the garbage bag off to the side and crossed my arms. He adjusted his tie then reached out to pull my hips close to him. "Mmm baby, you know what this anger does to me. You know I can't get this turned on before a game. He kissed me on both sides of my neck then started kissing me. At first I resisted it and when I got into it, started biting his lower lip like I knew he liked. "You're a jerk."

"Mm...I know babe, what else?" He said between kisses.

"And I hate your stupid sexy face."


"And why are you god damn tall?? Who's that for?"

"Sure. Sure."

"And I'm pretty sure you're gonna be late."

"Mmmm...tell me more."

"No, seriously, Jamie, you're gonna be late." He stopped to look at his watch.

"Ah, dammit! I love you kid."

"Hey babe, can you take the trash out on your way out?"

"Yes, of course. Love you!" One last kiss and he grabbed his keys and the bag.

"Love you, J. Score one for me!"

And with that he was out the door. I grabbed my phone and texted him, "you smelled so good and I miss your butt already. Sorry for being crazy."

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