Part 1

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TW: Wine

Janus's Pov

I was sitting in the courtroom with a glass of red wine after I left Thomas’s  apartment when I heard someone rise up. I looked up to see a certain prince in the judge’s chair.

“What aren’t you doing here?” A bit more venom dripped in there then I meant too.

“I was well, I was looking for you.”

My eyebrow rose, “Why? Come to gloat about how you defeated the villian. How my attempts to help Thomas are evil and do nothing but hurt him.”



“No, I came to apologize.”

“Apologize? For what?”

“I’ve been a jerk the last few times you’ve appeared and today I went with what everyone else wanted instead of taking what you said into consideration. So I’m sorry Deceit, you were right. Thomas wanted, wants to go to the callback but now he’s going to the wedding...because of me.”

I stared at him for a moment, “I...appreciate it Roman. Although I do agree with you when you said that Thomas shouldn’t talk to his friends before the wedding.”

“ can we put are differences behind us and start over?”

I sighed my signature smirk on my face, “Horrible to meet you I’m not Deceit.”

“Prince Roman, a pleasure to meet you.” He did a little bow, “So what brought you back here my snake friend?”

I shrugged, “Wanted to reflect on the last hour with a glass of wine but your twin would leave me alone so I came here.”

Guilt flashed across his face, “How is Remus?”

“He’s fine, crazy but fine...he doesn’t miss you and Virgil at all.”

He nodded getting lost in thought.

“But I’ve been thinking or in your guy’s case plotting. Thomas doesn’t want to be more honest about himself, why not let him meet Remus.”

He perked up a little sitting across from me.

“How do you plan to do that?”

“Let Remus do his job one night then when Thomas does a video I won’t let him run wild.”

“You do realize Logan will show them Remus doesn’t do any real damage and it will be another lost for you right?”

“I know, besides it will be a total loss for me. Thomas won’t know we exist which doesn’t give us a little more influence to help him. Which isn’t a step closer to show Thomas we are the bad guys.”

“You really are just trying to help aren’t you?”

“Of course not. I may be Deceit but that does mean my ways of helping are hurting him. Not the same with Remus.”

He nodded before standing, “Well I wish you the best of luck in your quest. If you need any help don’t be afraid to ask.”

He bowed and did his signature pose before sinking out leaving me to my thoughts. I sighed, drained the last of my wine and sunk out back to my room. I sat down at my desk to finish composing my plan while certain words from a certain prince circled my head.

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