Part 9

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I pulled away, wiping at my eyes. He placed a kiss to my head before we sunk out to the imagination. We walked over to our tree and sat down. Roman pulled me on his lap, arms around my waist and my hat on his head. I leaned back against his chest letting out a sigh of contentment.

“I take it Remus went to see Logan instead of you?”

“He came to see if I was alright but yeah he went to Logan’s room.”


“Hey Dee Dee?”


“You want to dance?”

I smiled, “Why not.” I got up helping Roman up.

He clapped his hands and soft piano music started playing. He took one of my hands in his, his other hand going on my waist with my left hand on his shoulder. The dance started slow and sped up as I got the hang of it. He spun me ending in a dip as the song ended. I moved my hand from his shoulder to his chin and gently pulled him down into a kiss. We broke apart and stood up.

“Awe Princeys got himself a boyfriend.”

We turned to see Virgil, Logan, and Remus smirking at us.

“Where have you been? They’ve been dating for a while.”

“Well I’m sorry, no one’s informed me on all the mindscape tea.” Virgil huffed turning away from Remus.

“Come on Virgie~ I didn’t mean it like that.”

I smirked and grabbed Roman’s hand pulling him toward the other three. I let go of Roman, walking behind Virgil. I pushed him on top of Remus before pushing Logan on top of both of them.”

“Oof, Janus! What the heck!”

Oops! Sorry Remus I must have bumped into them.”

“Are you two alright?” Logan asked, helping them up.

“Yeah I’m fine L.”

“I’m alright are you ok Logie?”

“I’m adequate thank you for asking.”

“We shouldn’t head back, it isn’t getting late.”

“Yeh, come on you three lovebirds.”

“Princey I promise if you don’t shut your royal mouth I’ll-”

“Come on now Virgie he isn’t wrong.”

He turned to Remus, “And you’re next I have just decided.”

We walked back to the kitchen to see Patton sitting in the living room.

“Where have you five been!? It’s almost eleven, you know not to be out that late!”

“We lost track of time Padre…”

“You missed dinner!” Patton sighed, “All of you in bed now. Virgil I better not catch you on your phone, Logan no work tonight, and Roman no Disney tonight.”

“Yes Patton.” We all muttered going to bed.

I closed the bed to my room and climbed in bed with Roman.

“Night Ro.”

“Night J.”

Mi Amor: A Sander Sides Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now