Part 13

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A/N: Photo above is the dress J was wearing.

TW: Metions of cutting, Remy being sassy

Time Skip One Year

“Where aren’t we going?”

“You’ll see. Ok you stand here and when I say, remove your hands ok.”


I heard him shuffle around for a minute before stopping.

“Ok open.”

I let my hands fall and saw Roman kneeling in front of me a small box with a silver ring that was adorned in red and yellow gems across the top. The inside of the ring read Janus My Queen. My hands covered my mouth, tears pricking my eyes.

“Janus, the love of my life, will you do me the honors of marrying me and becoming my queen?”

“Yes! Oh Roman of course!” 

He stood up slipping the ring on and pulling me in for a kiss.

Time Skip Five Months

“Come on kiddo! I bet you look great.”

“Why did I agree to a dress?”

I stepped out from behind the curtain.

“Kiddo it looks great!”

I stood in front of the full length mirror looking at the dress. Yellow with black leaves and branches tied together in the front with a black bow.

“Jan you ready?” Remus popped his head in, “Don’t you look good.”

Virgil smacked his head, “I’m right here you know.”

“I know, you and Logan look great princess. Now let’s get this thing started.”

“Ok kiddo, Virgil and I will walk out first then you’ll follow with Remus.”

“I know Pat.”

“Ok, ok good luck.”

Him and Virgil left and I picked up the bouquet of marigolds walking over to Remus.



He smiled and we walked down the aisle. When we got to the front Remus gave me off to Roman as Emile took the flowers.

“Ok let’s get this started, Janus say your sappy stuff.”

I rolled my eyes at Remy and looked at Roman.

“Roman, you’ve been with me in some of my worst times and have always made me feel better. You stopped me from cutting and when I felt like relapsing. We may have started off on the wrong foot but I couldn’t think of anyone better to spend the rest of my life with.”

“Alright sweet, Roman girl your turn to all sappy and stuff.”

“Janus, me ayudaste cuando quería saltar al lago olvidado cuando estaba listo para rendirme y más. Me has hecho sentir necesitado, amado y más, y no podría pedirle a nadie mejor porque no hay nadie mejor. En mis ojos, eres perfecta mi querida caléndula.” 

“Well I don’t know what he just said but I’m guessing Janus does based on the tears. Anyway Janus do you take Roman as your husband bluh bluh bluh.”

“I do.”

“Great, Roman do you ta-”

“I do.” 

“Great, next time don’t cut me off, anyway by the power of the mindscape I now call you a married couple. You may kiss the snake.”

Roman had one arm around my waist with his hand cupping my face. He dipped me as we kissed. My eyes slipped close and everyone cheered and clapped.

Time Skip Two Years

“Lillac don’t come back here!”

I chased after her as she ran hiding behind Roman’s legs.

“Awe is my little princess giving momma a hard time.”

“She will let me fix her hair.”

He kneeled down in front of her, “Will you let daddy do your hair?”

No.” She handed him the hairbrush before turning around.

I sighed, “I’m not going to go help Patton with dinner.”

“Alright mi amor, we’ll be down in a minute.”

I headed downstairs with a smile on my face. 

A/N: Janus, me ayudaste cuando quería saltar al lago olvidado cuando estaba listo para rendirme y más. Me has hecho sentir necesitado, amado y más, y no podría pedirle a nadie mejor porque no hay nadie mejor. En mis ojos, eres perfecta mi querida caléndula = Janus, you helped me when I wanted to jump into the forgotten lake when I was ready to give up and more. You have made me feel needed, loved, and more, and I couldn't ask for anyone better because there is nobody better. In my eyes, you are perfect my dear marigold
Mi Amor = My love

This is sadly the last chapter of this story. I hoped you guys enjoyed and don't be afraid to tell me what you thought/think about the book. I hope you enjoyed the somewhat mostly fluff story and I'll see you in the next story. Bye Lovelies!

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