Part 2

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Janus's Pov

Time Skip Three Months Later

“Because I was one of them.”

My eyes widened, ‘He told Thomas he was a darkside!’

I chuckled as I turned away from the viewing monitor.

“Jan! I’m back!”

“I’m not here Remus, there is a reason to yell.”

“Sorry, but Thomas knows about me! And I got to see Virgie again and I got to knock Roman out!”

“I didn’t see Remus, although are you ok? Did Logan hurt you? We all don’t know how he can be with his logic when he gets going.”

“I’m fine Jan, speaking of which I’m going to go find Logie. Bye J!”

“Be back in time for dinner!”

“I will!”

I sighed walking back to my room. I entered seeing Roman sitting on my bed rubbing the back of his head.

“Remus didn’t hit you hard I see.”

He looked up, “Yeah, I didn’t realize he could hit that hard.”

I opened the mini fridge next to my desk and grabbed one of the ice packs in there. I set it on the back of his head before replacing my hand with his.

“Thanks J.”

I froze, “How much did you hear?”

“Just from where you fussed over Remus being hurt by Logan to you coming in here. So all I know is that your name starts with a J.”

I nodded the thoughts racing in my head died down.

“Well you wouldn’t be correct.” I took off one of my gloves, holding my hand up, “My Janus.”

“I like it.”

I put my glove back on turning to him, “You do?”

He nodded, “It suits you. The name comes from the Roman god.”

A small smile appeared on my face along with a light pink on the human side of my face.

“Thank you…”

“So Janus would you like to accompany me on a walk in the imagination tonight?”

“That would be terrible, what time?”

“You’ll hear a knock on your door mi amor.”

He left, leaving me a blushing mess. I sunk out appearing in Logan’s room. I looked up to see Logan against the wall with Remus whispering something.

I smirked, taking a picture for future blackmail uses, “I’m I interrupting something?”

Logan pushed Remus away making him stumble before adjusting his tie and glasses.

“Salutations Deceit.”

“Remus your brothers an idiot!”

“What’d he do this time?”

“He asked me on a date in the imagination and I said yes!”

Logan rolled his eyes, “Finally.”


“He’s been asking me how to go about asking you out for weeks.”

“H-he hasn’t.”

“Yes, I’ve been telling him to go to Patton on the matter of emotions but he doesn’t want Patton to know.”

I nodded, “So I need help, I have no idea what to wear.”

“Oooo, come on, Logie and I will help you!”

“I see Logan’s grammar is rubbing off on you.”

“It’s better than being corrected everytime.”

We went back to my room and Remus started digging through my closet. He pulled out a shirt and leggings before running out of the room. He ran back into the room, grabbed the shirt and leggings and shoved me in the bathroom. He took my hat and closed the door. I got dressed and realized the thing Remus grabbed was a black skirt. 

“Really Remus!”

“Come on Dee! Put it on and come out!”

I pulled the skirt on and walked out.

“I hate you.”

“Love you too. But there's something missing.”

He tapped his chin a few times before coming over to me. He fixed my hair and set my hat on top of my head. He stopped his hands on his hips.

“There, what do you think Logie?”

“I must admit you have adequate fashion skills.”

“Thank you. Do you like it Double D?” 

I turned around to the mirror on my wall. I spun in a circle to take in the whole outfit feeling a small smile spread on my face.

“I absolutely hate it Remus but where did you find the skirt?”

He shrugged, “In my closet. I’ve never worn it before and it just called out to me.”

“Clothing can’t speak Remus.”

“Figuratively Lo.” 

“Oh. That makes more sense.”

“Are you sure Roman won’t like it?”

“He’ll like it Dee, trust me.”

I nodded, “Thank you.”

“No problem snek, now I’m going to go cause some chaos at the light’s. Bye!”

Logan sighed, “I should go stop him. Have an adequate night with Roman, Deceit.”

“I won’t, bye Logan. Good luck with Remus.”

A/N: Mi amor = My love
I think you guys know that but just in case someone doesn't.

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