Part 3

368 19 2

TW: None...that's new

Janus's Pov

I was adjusting my hat when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see a smiling Roman, he handed me yellow marigolds.

“Good afternoon mi amor.”

I stepped to the side letting him in, “Hello Roman.”

Walking over to my desk I summoned a vase. He grabbed my hand pulling me to his chest, his other arm going around my waist.

“You look lovely tonight.”

 My face grew warm, “I didn’t have some help.”

“Well Remus did a great job. Are you ready to go?”

No, let’s go.”

We appeared in the imagination and Roman put his hands over my eyes.

“What aren’t you doing?”

“It’s a surprise.”

We walked for a bit before stopping. He removed his hands.


I gasped at the sight. We were in a clearing, a lake to the left with a giant tree next to it. A dirt path with red and gold fairy lights strung to post and along the branches of the tree.

“Roman it-it’s beautiful…”

“So you like it?”

“I hate it with every bone in my body.”

He smiled as he grabbed my hand, “I’m glad you like it mi serpiente.”

“You don’t realize I don’t speak Spanish right?”

“Well then you’ll know what I’m telling you amor.”

I turned to look at the lake hiding my face.

“Come on.” He tugged on my hand pulling me along the path with him.

He pulled me down to sit next to him on the blanket. We talked while staring at the lake. Roman was humming a song as my eyes started to feel heavy. I let out a soft yawn before my eyes fluttered shut.

A/N: Mi amor/amor = My love/love

Mi serpienete = My snake

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