Part 10

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TW: Angry Emo and Logan trying to deal with emotions thats it

Time Skip Early Morning

“Jan? Are you awake yet?”

My eyes opened, “Yeah, what’s wrong?” 

“Why don’t you ever take your gloves off?”

“...I can lie with them off, I don’t only speak the truth.”

“Oh...can you make other sides tell the truth or just Thomas?”

“I can’t make the other sides tell the truth if needed or wanted.”

“Is that why you sleep with your gloves on?”

He grabbed my hand tracing circles on my palm.

No not at all. Can we not cuddle for a bit?”

“Come here.”

I scooted closer curling up against his chest. He ran a hand up and down my back.

“Is there anything planned for today?

“Not that I know of, Logan usually updates the calendars before bed though.”

“What don’t you want to do today?”

“I say you stay here while I go get food then we cuddle with movies.”

“A mental health day then?”

He smiled, kissing my forehead, “Exactly mi querido serpiente.”

“Can you get me some eggs with apple juice please.”

“Of course. I’ll be right back, do you want toast?”


He walked out of the room and I moved to a sitting position. I let out a yawn as a knock sounded on my door.

Don’t come in.”

Logan walked in fiddling with his tie.

“Lo are you not ok?”

“I wanted to thank you for the last few days. You and Remus have made me feel wanted, needed, and listened to which is more than what I could ask for. So for that I thank you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

I smirked, “You can’t ask Remus and Virgil out for dinner tonight.”

His face turned red, “Now why would I do that? It’s not like I like them!”

I gave him a deadpan stare, “Don’t lie to me Logan. I’m not Deceit you know.”


He walked out muttering and cursing under his breath. I laughed as Roman came in.

“What’s so funny?”

“I didn’t convince Logan to ask out Remus and Virgil.”

“Finally! Those three needed a push in the right direction.”

He sat next to me, placing a tray on my lap, “Eggs, toast, and apple juice for my serpiente princesa.”

A light pink dusted the human half of my face. I leaned my head on his shoulder as Big Hero Six came on.

“Hey Jan, could you take your gloves off for a bit please.”


He shrugged, “It’s just us, no one else is here. Besides I want to see your hands without the gloves.”


I pulled them off setting them on my bedside table.

“You have scales on your left hand?”

I looked down at my hand which was in his.


He tilted my head up with his hand, “Beautiful.”

He kissed my lips before peppering my face with little kisses. I finished eating, set my tray off to the side and curled up in Roman’s side.

“Love you Janus.”

“Love you too Roman.”

I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

“Roman Prince Creativity Sanders! Janus Deceit Sanders! I’m gonna kill one of you!”

I wonder what happened this time...*evil author laughter* I may update tonight, I may update tomorrow...we'll have to wait and see

A/N: Mi querido serpiente = My darling snake
Mi serpiente princesa = My sanke princess

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