Part 6

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Time Skip Ten Months (April 13th)

I set my book down when I heard Roman’s dramatic sighing. I walked over to him placing a kiss on his cheek.

“How was the wedding?”

“Terrible! They said hi and that was it! Thomas sat there playing word crush the whole time being a gloomy glupper!”

“What did Patton say on the matter?”

“He was glad we went and that’s about it.”

“Well Thomas is making a video on the whole ordeal and I wanted to run an idea by you and Logan.”

“Alright let’s go find the Microsoft Nerd mi amor.”


“What is it you need Roman?”

“Dee had an idea for the video he wanted to run by us.”

“Alright, Deceit let’s hear it.”

“Well I was thinking, Remus and I want to help Thomas but the only way to do that is to be accepted, as you guys call it, by Thomas and Patton. So what a better way to start that then using the wedding.”

“Using the wedding?” Logan looked confused.

“Yep. Roman told me the wedding went bad. We all know Patton’s going to say otherwise, we can use that to our advantage. I’m not saying we make Patton the bad guy because he’s not. His heart is in the right place but what he’s doing is hurting Thomas.”

“I see where you’re going with this Deceit and I think we can make some sort of plan.”

Time Skip Later That Night

“So this is our plan then?”

“Yep thanks Lo.”

“It’s not a problem, I’m glad I could be of assistance.”

Roman and I sunk out back to my room.

“Are you sure you’re ok with what I say?”

“Of course mi querido selevantό I know you don’t actually mean it, like how I don’t mean what I say about your name.”

I nodded. He lifted my head up to look at him.

“Are you ok JJ?”

Yeah, a bit tired but yeah.”

“Do you want to cuddle?”


He snapped his fingers, putting us in our comfy clothes. I took my hat off flipping the hood of Roman’s hoodie up over my head. I slipped under the covers by the wall while Roman came out of the bathroom. 

“You sure you’re ok dear?”

Yeah just nervous our whole plan will backfire or something..”

He brushed my hair out of my face, “Everythings going to be ok, I promise.”

“Yeah your right. Night Ro love you.”

He kissed my forehead, “Love you too Janus.”

He spooned me and my eyes slipped shut from lack of sleep.

A/N: Mi querido selevantό  = My darling rose

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