Part 11

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A/N: Completely random but I showed my sister the picture above and she said that Janus reminds her of Stitch with his other arms out and I realized that Janus and Stitch are simular. Sassy, extra arms, can speak human but half animal/alien... I don't really know what to say about this but let's just move on to the chapter...

TW: Metions of cutting, knifves, blood, metions of faded side, Sad boi Janus

“Roman Prince Creativity Sanders! Janus Deceit Sanders! I’m gonna kill one of you!”

Virgil came storming in looking distressed.

“Are you ok Virgil?” I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“No! First Logan just asked Remus and I out on a date! Second, I have nothing to wear!”

“What does this have to do with killing one of us?”

“Oh yeah! Patton and I found this,” He threw a box on the bed, “In the bathroom and it’s not anyone else’s.”

I opened the box to see the collection of knives I stashed in the bathroom. My eyes went wide and my mouth felt as dry as the sahara desert.

“Nope, never seen this be-oh my gosh is that blood!?!”

I stared at the knife that had my dried blood on it.


I stood up, “Well we should get rid of these before someone does something. I’ll get rid of them.”

“Janus...are they yours?”

N-yes...can I have my gloves back.”

“J-Jan is that your blood?”

“Give me my gloves back Ro.”

Virgil picked them up, “Not till you answer the question, Is it your blood?”

No-yes, yes it’s my blood on my knife.” I clamped a hand over my mouth the other outstretched for my gloves causing me to drop the box.


My head snapped to the door to see Logan and Remus.

“I answered your question, now give me my gloves.”

“Do you still cut amor?”

“Virgil give me my gloves.”

“JJ do you still cut?”

I picked up the box, looked over at Roman and sunk out.

“Janus!” They shouted as I left.

I rose up staring at the lake in front of me.

“If you drop it in they won’t find out.” A male voice broke the silence.

“Unless they already have.” A female voice countered.

“You should still throw it in J.”

“And if I don’t?”

“We will.”

“What are you even doing here Allie? Shouldn’t you be with E?”

“She’s writing, besides I could feel your fear so what’s going on?”

“Where to start...I might lose my boyfriend because of this,” I held up the box, “I don’t want to go through heartbreak again… Virgil has my gloves so I can only speak the truth, and I’m terrified of what they think… They know that I cut or did they don’t know if I still do or not but...I’m...scared.”

“So they did find out.”

I face palmed and sighed, turning to Oliver, “Yes Oil they found out.”

Allie stepped forward, “The first step of not being afraid is getting rid of the thing that causes fear. Throw the box in JJ.”

“I can’t.”

“Why?” Oli stood next to me.

“It...helps...make me feel better.”

“What about Roman? Does he make you happy? Does he make you feel better?”

“Of course.”

“Then what is that for?”

“I’m scared Roman’s going to leave and I’m going to go back to where I was when Insanity faded. I was getting better and then Virgil left and I relapsed...I-I don’t want that again…”

“There’s a less chance of you relapsing if you throw the box in there.”

“I know…”

I handed her the box. She took the knifeves out and threw them in the lake. She handed me the now empty box.

“I can’t keep this…”


“Too many memories of Insanity and cutting plus the box was a gift. He’s afraid to keep it and relapse or something.”

Allie nodded, “I know it might hurt should be the one to throw it in.”

I took a deep breath nodding, I tossed the box in. I watched as it sunk to the bottom, disintegrating. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Looking up I saw Roman. He pulled away, spinning me around to face him.

“Are you ok?”

A/N: Amor = Love

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